Binging with Babish: Nachos from The Good Place (plus Naco Redemption)

The Binging with Babish Cookbook on sale now!

Spoiler alerts generally aren't an issue with single-camera sitcoms, but in the case of The Good Place, my video description will be understandably sparse. If you haven't already, just go watch it - if you have, join me this week as we come up with an excuse to celebrate national nacho day (which is in Februrary for some reason)!


Music: "A Beautiful Life" by Broke for Free

Babish Cookware on Amazon:

Latest episode of Being with Babish!
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My playlist of preferred cooking tunes, Bangers with Babish!

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コメント (21)
  • When you put a garlic in an acid, allicin reacts with the amino acids in the garlic to produce rings of carbon-nitrogen called pyrroles. Pyrroles linked together form polypyrroles, which causes the change of colors :))
  • @eau_rouge
    Naturally occurring sulfur in the garlic interacts with an acidic solution, jalapeno brine in this case, turning it slightly green or blue.
  • Garlic contains an odorless sulfur compound called alliin. It also contains an enzyme called alliinase. When a bulb or clove of garlic is in its natural, whole state, the two chemicals have little interaction (and the garlic is relatively odorless). When you cut or crush the garlic, the alliin and alliinase are mixed, creating an organosulphate compound called allicin. This is what gives garlic its pungent odor and distinctive flavor. And that's why garlic gets only stronger the more you chop or crush it. When garlic is combined with an acid (such as vinegar), the allicin reacts with amino acids in the garlic to produce rings of carbon-nitrogen called pyrroles. Pyrroles linked together form polypyrroles, which throw colors. Four pyrroles clustered together create green (this is why chlorophyll is green). Three pyrroles linked together creates blue. A similar color-forming reaction can occur when the garlic is in contact with minerals from certain metals, including copper, aluminum, iron, and tin. The minerals can come from pots or pans made of those metals, or it can come from trace minerals in the water. You’re welcome!!😁
  • babish: takes 3 hours to make 7 pounds of nachos with 20+ ingredients me: microwaves tostitos with shredded cheese and taco bell hot sauce packet
  • "Yo bro you want some nachos?" "Oh yeah sure thanks bro." >Is gone for three hours
  • Kristen Bell actually ended up bringing that full plate to her trailer later that filming day and ate it. What a life to live.
  • This is the set of recipes I always come back to. And while I don’t do everything because I am VERY cheap/lazy, the stuff you showed have exponentially improved my nacho game
  • Am I the only human being that loves hard chips at first and then enjoys the soggy chips at the end?
  • Dayum, I wish I could afford to spend $60 on nacho groceries. That looks glorious. Update: I’m broke but did it anyways. $67 on ingredients, and it was AMAZING
  • 4:20 Hey a chemist here, in case you‘re curious: Garlic contains both the aminoacid alliin and its corresponding enzyme alliinase. Normally they‘re perfectly separated in the garlic. However when you crush the garlic the two mix together (This is also how the characteristic smell of garlic forms). Some of the products of this reaction are so called thiosulfinates. Those further react together with the help of vinegar and heat to form colorful pigments.
  • The Tootsie Roll owl was so accurate I looked away for a second and was like dang that sounded JUST like the owl.
  • As someone who started watching Food Wishes about a decade ago and has really learned a ton from the channel, I loved the subtle reference to Chef John’s cheesy jokes. A nice little respectable nod from one fantastic chef to another.
  • When the garlic turns blue: chapter one The color change is caused by a reaction between enzymes and sulfur-containing amino acids in the garlic (the same enzymes are responsible for garlic's flavor). When these enzymes are activated by mild acid, they produce blue.
  • Where do I apply to be “stoned friend in the other room” that gets Andy’s delicious food brought to me?
  • @eman5018
    I LITERALLY drooled on my shirt when he tried the nachos at the end because indeed, nachos, are the best.
  • "besides, the nacho laws are really more of a guideline anyway." - long Juan silver
  • Imagine being stoned having the munchies kick in and babish brings in a plate of his homemade nachos. That's like meeting God himself
  • @zhati5835
    "There's absolutely NO way you can make nachos complicated." Babish- "Hold my tiny whisk"
  • I have never seen anyone layer them before.... that is absolutely genius ... that looks awesome