Cognitive Impairment: Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Confuse Friends and Family

Cognitive Impairment: In this video, I discuss 14 Cognitive Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms that confuse your friends and family!

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NOTE: Make sure to talk to your provider before ANY treatment decision. We hope to educate, empower and energize those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. This channel consists of a collection of formal lectures and informal video clips about MS (Cognitive Impairment and how it confuses friends and family) to help education others. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos. They are just to help educate you about the condition guys!

コメント (21)
  • This made me a little emotional. I was going to school to be a doctor but when I got sick, I had a sudden decline in my grades. I ended up failing out of school after already completing 5 years of school. Everyone thought I was depressed so they never took me seriously when I repeatedly said something is wrong. As time went on, I started to struggle in other areas of my life. My family knows MS effected my memory so it’s their favorite thing to use against me in an argument so I never know if I’m really forgetting that much or if it’s their easy win to all disagreements. It’s like my brain is waterlogged or I’m waking up from anesthesia sometimes. Part of my problem is my severe spasms have caused me to stay slightly dissociated to mentally deal with the pain. Too much stimuli is so exhausting that I have severe emotional outburst that I never had before my last MS attack. It’s so sad sometimes but doctors like you help me feel validated and heard.
  • After I watched this video I became a bit misty eyed. Sometimes it’s indescribably frustrating to find the words I need to express my symptoms but now I’m recognizing that, that is okay. Thank you for giving me the words
  • So hard to live with this. On top of menopause. School aged children still. You're right. No human person not experiencing this could truly understand the depth of it.
  • Now I understand why I have become so socially awkward. I don’t know how to explain it to friends and family but I see their confusion. Thank you so much for explaining it.
  • @laur9814
    Dr Boster, I was diagnosed with MS when I was 21 or 22 years old. I think the hardest part is that not only do I have to live with it, the people in my life don’t understand it, I can’t explain it to them, it’s hard to believe what you can’t see. But I want to thank you so very much for posting not only this informational video but for all. I am so grateful to have stumbled upon your channel I appreciate what you are doing and I wish you were my doctor hahaha 🤣
  • Dr B this made me cry because I’m going through this all over again. As you know I had to leave my nursing career in 2012 because of my various issues with cognitive issues. I recently decided to go back to a different role part time and I am soooo frustrated!! Everything you just described is ME exactly!! After 2 to 3 hours I am experiencing difficulties. I know the people I work with don’t have a clue what MS is let alone how it affects people. I feel like giving a mini in-service but most of my pharmacy coworkers are youngsters who might perceive it as me trying to make excuses. I have always been open about my MS and not afraid to educate others, but this is a different situation and I’m not sure how to handle it.
  • My red flag was being told to only call the Neuro if I can't walk or go blind...for a week. New neuro says, if you can't walk, go to emerge, could be a stroke. I knew if I went blind, could be a detached retina. He also mocked me for asking questions, calling me Dr (my surname). Horrible man.
  • @momx5
    DR BOSTER WOW always right on it!! I've been struggling to explain my "Im tired, cant really think right now, ahh just need a second to regather myself or ahhh I'm done for the day... my husband n family look at me n say but you look healthy or you were fine a few hours or you should take an energy drink that will work.. Dr B you should be a requirement for employers, families n friends of us who suffer from MS BUT to the world "dont look sick or dont look like you have MS" THANK YOU DR B FOR GIVING US THE WORDS AND UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT WE ARE FEELING!! YOU ARE AMAZING!! PLEASE DONT STOP MAKING VIDEOS TO EDUCATE US N OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!!
  • Duuuuude! Thank you so much for this video! I have been struggling to explain to people about my M.S., and the expressions and ramifications of it. I am going to send people this video because it definitely helps explain what has and is going on with me. Most people have no idea what M.S. is and to what extents it impacts those with it. Thank you for a thorough and concise (and relatively quick) way to explain much of these things! <3
  • @seanwylie4823
    I was diagnosed in 09/23, I found your channel today, and I've already watched several of your videos. You're amazing. You say so many things that make me feel so understood <3
  • That is definitely one to share with the spouse who is tired of hearing how tired I am because “he’s tired too and still does x,y,z”. I know it’s got to be hard dealing with a spouse like me so this one has already been sent to his inbox. I have tried to explain that my fatigue is like I’ve run a marathon and can’t lift a muscle in my body to work, daily.. but he still doesn’t get that when I haven’t done anything all day. Hoping this helps him get it. It’s so hard to explain!
  • Thanks so much Dr. B. The stress of this past year + menopause has definitely impacted my cog fog. I am coming up on my diagnosi-versary and am reflecting on the past year, I am addressing both the stress and menopause symptoms.
  • Thank you another great video. I suffer incredible fatigue. At one time I was on the Dean’s list at University. I worked part time throughout school. Now I can barely concentrate through your wonderful video.
  • Wow, thank you Dr. B. This really explains it perfectly. Sometimes even family just doesn't "get it". I'm going to have them watch this. It's frustrating for us when we have those cog fog days.
  • Very nice video. These symptoms are difficult to understand, and I think you did a great job breaking them down. You make a great point about drug holidays form stimulants which I also advocate. I am going to do a video where I interview a neuropsychologist who wrote about a book about cognition in MS at some point.
  • @DearDana
    I forget words that I know when I am talking.. simple words.. I can see the picture in my head.... I am well educated. It drives me crazy. I am having to take adderall for the pathologic fatigue because I teach students online. I was literally in the midst of teaching a class and would drift.
  • Thank you , my love she suffers from ms and it's not so easy sometimes to understand what she feels thank you for putting this together god bless you.
  • @ope4r540
    When my MS was out of control. Any kind of task or mental challenge by the latter hours of the morning, were just not possible. I would find myself unable to commit to anything that would require planning. I was spent by early evening; 4-5pm. I’m very glad the medication I’m using is working and I have my life back.☺️