Doctor Reverses His Own MS Diagnosis | Dr. Sam Gartland

Published 2023-02-13
A physician went from collapsing and unable to walk at one point to remarkably reversing multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Sam Gartland chose not to rely exclusively on treatments that would just slow the progression of the disease. Instead, he made changes to the food he was eating and the way he was living his life. The combination stopped the MS in its tracks and completely restored his health.

He joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll on The Exam Room Podcast to share his journey, his new way of eating, and the decades-old research that set him on this journey. He now devotes his career to helping others with MS find their way back to health.

Dr. Gartland will be speaking at the Nutrition in Healthcare Conference in Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 17-19, 2023.

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Physicians Committee

Nutrition In Healthcare Conference

Dr. Sam Gartland

Chuck Carroll

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The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. We combine the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.

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All Comments (21)
  • @gldiego
    Since my diagnosis 9 months ago, my way of life has completely changed, I continue to improve my diet, I walk more than 10km daily at night, I gym with weights 3 times a week, I really feel in my best state even with MS. Greetings from Argentina!
  • @les8518
    I was diagnosed with MS at the age of 50. I know now that I had MS long before that. I am 80 now and still have MS. I have learned to live with MS and not fight it. My thoughts and heart is with all those that have MS.
  • I have an extremely similar story with my MS journey! Except I'm a truck driver not a doctor lol. Now I am training for a 2-week hike in Peru! Oh... And I've lost 50 lbs working on the last 20😊
  • Imagine a resort for MS patients. Offering healthy diet, exercise and more. It would be a great place for docs to monitor the effects and improvements on patients. Hopefully help cure many people and teach them how to live a healthy lifestyle for when the leave the resort.
  • @KJSvitko
    It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools. Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospital cafeterias should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.
  • @kb7128
    Oh the crazy meds! I tried 4 treatments, IVig, injections, Tecfidera and all caused severe suicidal attempts, severe anaphylactic reactions to name a few side effects. My body told me to get that crap out of my body fast. I am meds free for 10 years and am doing 100% better. Gut health is so important as was mentioned here. Good job and thank you!
  • Thank you for this podcast!❤ I have been relapse free since 2001 by following Dr Swank’s diet then transitioning to a WFPB diet. I still have some numbness and fatigue but for the most part am disease free. Mri went from 11 lesions to 1 inactive lesion.
  • @malanaidoo3687
    Thank you so much for sharing your success story. I have also reversed the symptoms of Secondary Progressive MS, RA, Fibromyalgia and Hoshimotos Thyroiditis. I have published my healing journey. I am driving, dancing and playing golf now.
  • @stonz42
    I was diagnosed 3 years ago after living with vague symptoms for 16 years. I attribute my diet and lifestyle to managing my disease over that time until vision loss prompted a diagnosis. The key to living well with MS is managing inflammation through diet and lifestyle, along with DMTs. I've improved my diet since diagnosis and have no evidence of disease for over 2 years now.
  • Thanks so much for this! I have also been living well with my MS for over 15 years. In addition to my medication, I eat a whole food plant based, exercise regularly, get good sleep, and practice mindfulness/kindness. All of these are key to my health and well-being.
  • @saratonnan
    This is one of the most inspiring episodes to date! This gives not only those with MS and other autoimmune diseases hope, but it's also inspiring for anyone wishing to find a way to optimal health. Thank you so much for this and all you do on this channel! ❤️❤️❤️
  • @user-il7do2xl9c
    I had asthma for 10 years and had to take steroids. After reading and studying about immune system I decided to try to go a different route. Instead of killing my immune system I decided to take something that is calming your immune. I took quercetin with bromaline supplements. 3 weeks later my asthma was gone. My doctors don’t even want hear it.
  • @MD-cn1nt
    I know it's supposed to be helpful, and is to many, but it's so frustrating and confusing to have such radically opposing dietary approaches to MS out there, each saying the other side's logic is flawed and pointing to this or that study or this or that person who has recovered and claiming proof of efficacy as a result. The fundamental approach to Swank is the removal of saturated fat, with recommendations of multiple servings of grain and legumes daily. Meanwhile the Wahls/Keto/Paleo protocols point to science that says that (the right) saturated fats are a key to combatting MS and regenerating myelin, and that grains and legumes are major contributing factors to MS. Then allopathic doctors say nutrition has virtually no impact on the progression of the disease. The only real answer is to be your own guinea pig and watch what happens. It wouldn't be quite so maddening if the stakes weren't so high, but it's my f'ing life you'e talking about here.
  • @kb7128
    What I’ve come to notice more and more is, so many people with MS were very active, physically fit people prior to diagnosis. I was a fitness trainer for big corporations and this knocked me right out of the box. It seems obvious that with exercise, our core temps elevate causing internal heat which is a trigger for exacerbations. Has anyone else learned more on this aspect of MS?
  • Good on you! Happy for you and grateful for you sharing and helping others. ❤
  • @TCMcGowan
    Fantastic, this needs to be shared far and wide. Amazing science.
  • Fabulous thank you for this episode. I follow the OMS programme and it really is a game changer. The seven steps cover more than just diet (although that's key) - my favourite is 'do whatever it takes'. Empowering and hope filled. Everyone who gets diagnosed should be given this info
  • This is awesome. It's great to see ANOTHER ONE. The truth should be promoted by Mainstream Media, but I'm completely aware that doing so, isn't a part of certain agendas, which is sad. Every patient is completely different, and what works for someone else, didn't necessarily work for others. I have RRMS, so I know firsthand about MS. I took, was a Certified Sports Trainer, with the National Academy of Sports Medicine. There's so much to be uncovered, yet, there's so much STILL being hidden. Why is this man not in the biggest newspapers in the Country? It's not promoted because it will cause 'issues'. I'll leave it right there. GOD BLESS HIM, for coming out and talking about it. I heard some stuff about Ms. Donna Eden as well defeating MS. The list will continue to grow, THAT'S MY PRAYER. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😊!! 🧱 walls are meant to be broken.
  • @TomRommelmann
    Wonderful and inspiring story! I just sent this to a friend who's wife is dealing with MS. I thank you and thank God for steering me to your interview!