‘Sick and tired of the political agendas’: Athletes ‘not happy’ with Olympic Village conditions

Publicado 2024-07-29
Nationals Senator Matt Canavan says athletes aren’t happy with the conditions of the Olympic Village in Paris amid controversy over the vegan-heavy menu.

Paris Olympic officials have been forced to order huge supplies of eggs and red meat amid complaints about the vegan-heavy menu at the athletes’ village.

They’re now facing a challenge to keep the competitors cool, with temperatures in the French capital set to soar in the coming days.

“Well, I think the verdict’s in, verdicts from the athletes there, they’re not happy,” Mr Canavan told Sky News Australia.

“I think we just need to make the Olympics about athletes again – I think everyone’s sick and tired of the political agendas that seem to get latched onto almost everything in life.”

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @poppy_anderson
    I feel sorry for the athletes who worked so hard to get to Olympics to deal with the nonsense of the woke. Enough.. unfortunately I will not be watching.
  • @Suds1bn
    No A/C, no meat, cardboard beds … if these were prisoners, they would sue for cruelty
  • Athletes need real meat for protein. Common sense. Especially during the Olympics. All humans need real food.
  • @Zappy1210
    The athletes just need to refuse to participate as a whole.
  • @whojanson6751
    Why do they stay there? Leave Paris, tomorrow, pleeeaaase!!! All of you, just skip it and go home, tomorrow, all the athletes! We would all applaud you!
  • @jussayin4858
    So $8.6 Billion spent in preparation for the Olympics didn’t include feeding and housing the Athletes? I wonder how much of that budget went to feeding the “doublewide” in the blue dress seated at the center of the table? I think someone has their priorities a bit F’d Up!
  • @shanemcquerry632
    This is what they say they wanted for the rest of the world, dont cry now
  • @stevewiles7132
    Green games with a queer bent, a religious furore, and lots and lots of big jets to get there and back.
  • @Tromdubs
    We are in the REAL hunger games soon enough. Fuck.
  • Drag racing used to be a motor sport not a track and field event 💃🏁
  • @kapkone
    It's time for the Olympics to have a permanent venue. Building venues every 4 years is ridiculous
  • The same people making those ridiculous decisions eat whatever they want, drive (or are driven in) large gas powered cars and fly on private/small planes.
  • @rickmorgan8856
    I rate this fiasco in Paris 5 big interlocking rainbow zeros.....and I don't think I'm alone.
  • @walterengler5709
    The EcoGames .. where the athletes are treated like they want to treat the citizens of the future. Air Conditioning in the buildings? Forget that uses to much energy you just have to suffer. Too many resources used on humans? Simple, have shared bathrooms with 8 athletes to a bathroom, spares rooms, and what people are calling cardboard beds with almost no mattress as again that causes waste. Need to control methane output so we'll limit the food to vegan style menus as no gas producing animals shall pass your lips. The net result .. teams bringing in poratble AC's flying them in from overseas if needed. Teams flying in mattresses for their athletes. Teams flying in food for the teams (and two now have flown in their own chefs and staff). Basically what France has demonstrated is what they think is the future for all of us. The future they want for all of us. And it's rather draconian and controlling and lacks freedom and liberty.