Pianodocumentation no. 25 New Images

Published 2020-02-04
The battle intensifies, and I have decided to upload this for the sake of documentation – interruptions, bad camera-quality and all. I am proud of what I can do and express, and I keep on playing despite the most violent disturbances I have ever come across. I am on my way back into my body – which is the road for me, and If you listen carefully, you can hear that a breakthrough is only moments away. Apparently, somebody tries to prevent this breakthrough from taking place at all. As I have said before: ghosts love that “science” does not believe in them, and this means that they can act more freely. They are here – in the room – trust me – ten or fifteen of them if I take the power of the attack into consideration. Because of this there are even more wrong notes than usually – lots and lots og them, but I insist on playing as against several flamethrowers. On the other hand: the sound, the power and the emotions of interpretation are pouring out of every note, I actually hit. And the last five minutes are even missing because of strange problems that arose during rendering.
The new camera is wonderful, but in the future, we must experiment with light, lamps, grain and colours in order to get the best result. And the original files are far too large (215 GB) for YouTube, so what you see here is a several times compressed version (appr. 10 GB) of the original film. My son Adam who is recording is very dissatisfied with this unprofessional quality, but it is ok with him that I publish this experiment if you know that this is not how it should look.

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