Can I Beat Halo 3 Without Using an Elevator?... LET'S GIVE IT A SHOT

The Halo Franchise is no stranger to elevators. The game developers, Bungie, made them a staple of every game they release. Halo 3 is no different. So can I beat Halo 3 without using a single elevator?

Game: Halo 3
Missions: Crow's Nest, The Covenant
Difficulty: Any
Skulls: Tilt, Cowbell, Bandanna, Boom (optional)


Music Courtesy of Karl Casey ‪@WhiteBatAudio‬ (in order of appearance):
Substance D
Glitch in Reality
Atomic Punk
The Dealer
Salt in the Wound
Hunted by the Machines

コメント (21)
  • I’ll name my first child ‘Shilt’ if you pin my comment
  • @Slappy985
    That brute hiding on the roof of the control panel room I have run into way more times than I can count every time I play Halo 3, I don't know what that guys deal is.
  • @sygos
    i'll never get tired of halo 3 glitching videos you're the man.
  • The brute stuck on the control room in Crows Nest is a known bug.
  • Me who uses Acrophobia skull: “I should try that. But I ain’t got the patience anymore.”
  • Imagine being a Marine, fighting aliens, then Master Chief just executes your mate and says, "Yeah you don't matter! ...fuckin idiot" lmao
  • I have been able to finish Crow’s Nest without using the elevator. Not sure what death barrier you’re talking about though. I use the gravity hammer to propel myself across the water off of that grate you were fucking with in the beginning, and I land inside the elevator shaft and I’m able to jump my way up to the next part with no problems or death barriers. It’s a speed running trick I learned from a few YouTubers.
  • I found your channel a few weeks ago, I really like finding burgeoning YouTubers, good luck bud
  • @skouuM
    Hey man i just discovered your channel, when i saw crazy halo glitches i said lets give a shot, now im really enjoying this!!
  • @jx995
    Even if you dont do things the most efficient or "correct" way- it's very entertaining to watch the challenge and i really enjoy how you come up with ideas/solutions and overcome obstacles. Loved this one
  • Keep it up brotha, the content is gold, definitely need more subs
  • 🫸W vid🫷this was like watchin a movie bro
  • @3mpt7
    The ability to pick up an object and turn it around would be very handy in Halo's campaign. Likewise, when Half-Life did elevators, they made sure to have a service ladder. Fantastic job with skipping the elevators. It makes me wish that Halo 5's Spartans were like Boba Fett or a Grunt's methane pack--Prometheans, Flood and/or Covenant shooting Team Osiris or Blue Team would make them spiral out of control. And that an Energy Sword could slice through a grappling hook.