Why Your Home is always MESSY!

Are you stuck in the cycle of cleaning and tidying your home, just for it to get messy again? Here is the REAL REASON your home isn't staying tidy and always seems messy.

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コメント (21)
  • Everytime I have a pkg delivered or buy something that comes in a box, i keep it and fill it up with stuff around the house to donate. This helps me to keep my clutter in check
  • @jsimp4050
    I am dying right now! I feel so sorry for people who don’t watch your videos until the end. Not to minimize your butt pain, but this is the funniest story I have EVER heard! Thank you for sharing. You made my day. 🥰
  • My tip is, if you have a hard time letting things go, start with the fridge. Anything expired or old leftovers. It always gets me in the zone to continue to declutter the house breaks the ice..
  • @ecarr7026
    The 'broke your butt buying a fake butt' story had me in absolute stiches! Thank you for sharing that hilarity. I struggle most with decluttering because I feel like I need all the things I have since my family has so many irons in the fire.
  • @Didsy1684
    When ever I can't be bothered or feeling really unmotivated I can hear Cas's voice telling me to 'put my big girl pants on and do it' 🤣🤣🤣
  • An example of why this works: my son was working on a project, needed some allen wrenches. Went right to the closet, pulled out the container marked tools, (recently decluttered closet) and kept going. He mentioned it to us later that it was a welcome change over searching! Have a good day everyone.
  • I absolutely love how you address this “clutter” issue. You don’t shake and say we’re hoarders and have to throw it all away or say anything that’s negative. You completely relate and that’s huge! I am so motivated to complete the 10 min tidy up at 8 pm. I’ve already set my daily alarm. Accountability is key. You make me WANT to be better with this “issue”. You’re absolutely amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the new way of thinking about life and inspiration you have provided me with. Thank you!! I wish you could help me with my home directly 🙂
  • My grandma used to, “have a place for everything and put everything in its place.” Getting rid of stuff can be hard, but well worth it. Less IS more. Organizing is easy, especially if you watched Sesame Steet. Remember, “these three things belong together, one of these doesn’t?” Putting things away is easy once you’ve done step 1 & 2. I think of the “Cat in the Hat” children’s book. The Cat in the Hat ALWAYS cleaned up after himself before he left.
  • Many, many years ago, my Dad was complaining about super sore glutes and a sore lower back but couldn't think of anything that he had done to make it happen. Then it occurred to him like a lightbulb moment! He had always kept his wallet in his back pocket but he had always had work that involved standing. Once he became a sales rep that required a significant amount of driving - he began sitting "lopsided" on his wallet for multiple hours every day. Eventually, he had to change where he was putting his wallet. He would have liked your broken butt story because he could have identified with you. LOL Heather xo
  • I’m struggling with all 3. Decluttering, organizing and tidying. My home was perfectly organized and tidy then I got sick. Five years of being sick turned my home into a disaster. My family helped but it just kept getting out of hand. The mess grew and grew. I was overwhelmed. I found you and I’m slowly getting my home back. Thank you for repeating everything. Some days when things are tough, I just need the reminder.
  • @Jan-jk5li
    Oh my goodness, thank you for your transparency in sharing your painful yet hilarious story at the end! And thank you for your helpful tips and encouragement to keep working at overcoming clutter!!!
  • I’ve found that focusing on one room at a time provides greater success. Kitchen was #1 and it worked. I gave myself a month to declutter and spruce it up either a fresh coat of paint or shelf liner. Then on to the next room. Bedrooms take the most time and letting go of good clothes is hard. But we did it. Good Will and friends are now enjoying all our clutter and we are benefiting from less. Thanks for the inspiration ❤️
  • My mom used to fill a black bag and tell us, "If you can tell me what's in here you can keep it". She's a master of decluttering.
  • “Why your home is always messy” watching my toddler drag everything out of their room and into every part of my house
  • I LOVE your honesty about your life (including the fake butt "adventure" 😂). It gives those of us who have been "treading water" in the overwhelm of life (and stuff) hope to get up and keep going after the dream of living in a more peaceful, manageable home. Thank you! ❤️
  • This is so simple and straightforward and helpful. I am realizing at 52 years old that I may well have adhd as a woman. Its sad that so many of us females were never recognized and diagnosed and have to find out as an adult. Clutter has always been a huge issue for me, and it created so much chaos and stress and anxiety and shame. I do feel quite relieved to know about adhd, and that there are helpful ways to work with it. This video is so helpful also. Thank you. <3
  • I've always struggled with the decluttering part. I've felt emotionally attached to everything and couldn't let them go until recently. I no longer want to live with all this stuff and am finding decluttering so freeing! Thank you!!! ❤️
  • @debbY100
    Before decluttering, I was literally seeing a therapist bc I couldn’t understand why I could not manage my household mess. Therapist tried to dig deep into my childhood to understand why I felt the need to be so tidy. Fast forward four months - got rid of the therapist and did a serious declutter. I cannot explain to you how BIG of a change it has been to have decluttered! I no longer feel overwhelmed by my house - it’s honestly shocking to me, but I continue to declutter more and more bc it has already been so life changing.
  • @shrooti
    I get so overwhelmed by just 5 mins of decluttering session and I just switch to doing other things... but after listening to you I will surely try try again ! 🙂 Why is it so difficult for me to declutter!!! 😭
  • I just want to interject - as a life long minimalist and a “place for everything” person, you have to tidy EVERY day. Sometimes 2-3 times a day. You have to be unrealistically minimal to not have to tidy daily. I agree - declutter - you def only need 25% of what you have, but don’t think it will stop the tidying. Thanks for these videos!