Calvinistic Predestination

Published 2019-11-01
Dr. Leighton Flowers answers the question, "Is Determinism required if God is truly Omniscient?"
Is the Calvinistic view of exhaustive Predestination (determinism) necessary due to God's omniscience? Let's explore...

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All Comments (21)
  • I wonder how many people have cursed God because they thought these beliefs represented Him.
  • @garretmount8409
    I’m so glad I found your channel, almost got sucked into Calvinism but the Holy Spirit protected me from it. It reminds me of a cult, like a boys club mentality. So glad I found your material 🙏
  • @loavesandfish
    “ They have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it come into my mind“ Jeremiah 19:5 Whoa.
  • @DamonNomad82
    13:30 is the perfect "Heads I win, tails you lose" rebuttal to Calvinism! This video, only 14 minutes and 32 seconds in length, destroys its false doctrine beyond repair. Well done!
  • @Ransomonious
    We're co-writers of our own scripts with God's permission. God sets the boundaries, and we act within them. I'm not free to determine the constraints of his will, but I am free to act within them. As a teacher, I assign projects to my students. They're not free to choose these projects. I predetermined what projects would match the overall curriculum, but they are free to do those assignments however they will. If they ask for help, I'm happy to help them. If they refuse to do the project and choose to trash it, I warn, but do not do the assignment for them.
  • @oldman6914
    This is the single best debunking of Calvinism I have heard yet.
  • @qcbtbx
    This is perhaps one of the most glaring philosophical issues with Calvinism.
  • @felixwalne3494
    You are doing an invaluable job for the body! God bless you
  • So, by John Piper's logic, It went down like this in Eden: Adam (the wife made me do it) and Eve (the serpent made me do it) were both wrong, because actually God made them do it. And being wholly just and loving, he then punishes them and all their offspring for the inescapable outcome of his own sovereign decree. As a grotesque caricature of our heavenly father, that's almost as bad as saying he irrevocably predestines a large percentage of humanity to Hell - an act of unimaginable cruelty. But of course, I'm forgetting that - during their brief lives (and before their torment starts) - they will experience 'common grace'...they may enjoy those essentials which will stave off their grim eternity for a number of years. They might spend forever wishing they'd never been born, but perhaps they can console themselves with those memories of soft, refreshing rain. Yet maybe Calvinists are right about something: After all, who would have dealings with a God like that, unless irresistibly forced to do so?
  • @bro_daniel
    The 1 Samuel 23 passage as described supports an open view of the future.
  • @utubewillis24
    This is so good. Thanks for your channel. One of the reasons I came out of calvinism was hearing Michael heiser speak about the 1 Samuel passage you mentioned. In that passage God foreknows 2 events that never happen! Foreknowledge does not necessitate predestination
  • @paulinerelph
    I began to read a John Piper book; it was so disturbingly wrong, I couldn't even bear to give it a place in the bookcase.
  • I’ve been studying this material from over 30 years. You’ve done a fine job here.
  • I like these short explainer videos explaining the often mis-defined concepts of predestination, election, foreknowledge etc. Good stuff.