This Is The Smartest Minecraft Player

Published 2022-03-07

All Comments (21)
  • @okbutlikewhy
    "each contestant had their unique set of skills" my skill is murdering villagers
  • @YelloWool
    I was expecting it to just be you tbh.
  • Puzzle three's answer should be thorns, and here is why. The Pumpkin pie and the dirt add up to the item id of 403 which is just an enchanted book and not specifically curse of vanishing. The thorns answer could also be taken from the dirt which is related to plants, and the missing pie slice in the pumpkin pie has the same shape as a thorn. The armor stand only having a chestplate represents how the enchantment table can only put thorns on chestplates. The lava below the armor stand is connected to thorns because the thorns hit sound effect and the lava pop sound effect are similar. Now for the signs. The first sentence on the signs is "I'm a reflection of anger and fear." this represents how thorns will do damage if you are attacked and being attack would most likely cause both anger and fear. The second sentence, "I can hurt those you hold dear." implies thorns because you could accidentaly deal damage to someone, without meaning to if they accidentaly hit you, and if you have a pet that attacks you, it could die, without you wanting it to. The third sentence is "somtimes I can be absurd, but sometimes I am simply a word." relates to thorns by the fact that thorns causes you to loose your armor durability at a faster rate which is completely "absurd" and the fact that the enchantment can still be triggered by ranged attacks, despite that making no sense. The "I am simply a word." part just references how the enchantment name is only one word long and you don't have to shorten it in any way. Lava pop sound effect - Thorns hit sound effect - Prove me wrong
  • @chai-r
    "the smartest minecraft player" the deadly pig in heaven : "hello? can you hear me?"
  • @OhTheMiserbee
    For the third puzzle, thorns would also work. It reflects back the anger and fear of another player, and hurts those who try to hold you. It might be absurd to some (having thorns on armor) and is a simple word. It’s an enchantment that goes on any armor and hurts, which works for the armor stand and lava. It works for the dirt because thorns are on plants, which are grown in dirt. It also works for the pumpkin pie because some pumpkins’ vines have thorns. Ik ur probably not gonna see this, but there’s the other answer I thought of.
  • @jkli6031
    The problem with these puzzles is that there are multiple possible answers that you can think of. and you need the exact one that the creator is thinking with to solve it
  • For the first puzzle, I was...actually stumped for a bit. But the blocks under the platform and the corners were a nice hint. Netherite and Ancient Debris are found in the Nether. Glass and Obsidian are related to the End. Composter and Emerald Block are connected with villagers. Iron Block and Gold Block are parts of a beacon. Next part: "You could bring me home to your place, but I'm not sure there'd be enough space". Bring home the Beacon advancement/achievement. Beacons take up a lot of space. And you can bring it home. So, I'd say beacon. Edit: I never paid attention to the flowers...I used process of elimination. And, yes, all of the corner blocks can be made into ingots. I just did "what do the corner blocks and the platform blocks have a connection to?" That's how I got to what I did. Keep up the great work ^^
  • @FinnFilms.
    I love how boosfer devised an entire, very complex Minecraft puzzle map… but didn’t even know raw iron blocks spawned naturally xD
  • @fujita9475
    Technically the 4 blocks all had something unique : The gold one was the only one that you could fortune, the ancient debris was the only one found in the Nether, the raw iron block was the only one made out of raw materials and the only one added in 1.17 and the diamond block was the only 'non-ore' one
  • @AlphaMC
    then there's me, who calculates the laws of Minecraft physics to determine a parkour jump and uses trigonometry to build my IRL house in Minecraft
  • For the last one you could use that comparators reading from furnaces only change the output signal strength at certain values (e.g. 1-13 items give a signal strength of 1; 14-27 give a signal strength 2 etc.) to brute force the answer
  • @doornumb
    This isn't how you find the smartest player in Minecraft, this is just how to find the person with the same brain as the creator of the riddle
  • @nicool350tm3
    Puzzle 3 : I figured the answer was "Death". Think about it. Curse of Vanishing only works on a player's death, and causes the item itself to "die" (vanish) The image of death was represented by the armor stand on top of lava itself Now the signs. "I'm a reflection of anger and fear." Death can be inflicted in anger, often times actually But death can also induce anger, as in resent towards death itself or maybe putting the blame on something that doesn't really make sense but blaming it anyway out of grieving anger. And the fear of death is quite common, be it fear of our own death, death of our loved ones, or death in itself. "I can hurt those you hold dear." Literally, it can hurt them by killing them. That, or simply by killing someone THEY love and thus hurting their feelings. "Sometimes I can be absurd-" Death can be ridiculous, like surviving the entire world war but dying by slipping on ice or by a falling flowerpot. It's as ridiculous as that. Or when a player dies in hardcore world - think of Philza's S2 world, he died from a spider and a baby zombie after 4 years of never dying ever. Absurd, won't you agree? "-But sometimes I am simply a word." Death is a word. But I would more commonly point towards words that imply death. Like "goodbye" or "adieu" which can be said by a dying person or a person about to kill taunting their victim. It can also be said by someone to the tombstone of their loved ones as their final word to this person who died. Now, if you want a more technical meaning to death being just a word, I'll give you one good word... Avadakedavra !! Death can be but a simple spell, as illustrated by Harry Potter's infamous killing spell - which, unlike the equaly famous Wingardium Leviosa, is one single word which aims to inflict death. If you want to look further into clues that make half sense but are worth noting, the dirt block could refer to where we come from and where we return. Dust we are and to dust we return, born from the dirt and to the dirt we return. It can also reference a dead person getting burried 7 feet below, in dirt and below dirt. The pumpkin pie can give a halloween vibe as you don't usually use pumpkins on other occasions than halloween, and halloween is the time for horror movies like Child's Play, Saw, Scream, The Purge... All related to death. The pie itself can also refer to a grandma, an old person whose death is around the corner, representing the fact life will expire. And further in if you're that insane, a pie can be poisoned in order to kill. Hence, I think Death could have been an equally good answer as Curse, if not better to be honest now that I explained everything. Hope you like this little explanation :) you asked for a matching answer and here I gave one, hope you're satisfied!
  • @EczV_YT
    I actually worked out the answer to the last room before i finished watching the video - each of the rooms has a different coloured floor so the number from each room is the amount of coal that you should put in the furnace because the furnaces were all behind coloured blocks that were the same colour as the floor of the rooms so that tells you how much coal to put in each furnace
  • on the third challenge, my first thought was thorns. "I'm a reflection of anger and fear". someone is usually known as thorny or prickly if they are experiencing these emotions. also someone in minecraft may have it due to fear or anger. also enchanted chestplate. but the dirt and pumpkin pie was throwing me off, as well as the rest of the riddle
  • @HeroAkii
    During the initial test, there was a group of us who were analyzing everything, There were a few people who thought the word was beacon in the first 24 hours. We thought that was too easy and moved into a private voice channel. I don't think anyone from the channel wants to say anything so I'll make a list of a few things we did. 1. We reversed every part of the last 3 videos that Boosfer released in 20 second clips slowed down 5x. 2. We took the audio of a weird sound and made multiple images with it using popular programs. 3. We found a weird green screen with tons of dots of which we edited and tried to make out any codes that could've been used. Nothing showed up but the dots did match some letters of braille and SGA. We thought it was the key to the puzzle because when the group chat leader tweeted it to Boosfer, Boosfer retweeted it. 4. The dots looked like a multitude of different letters which only fueled our belief. 5. We (I) tried to figure out what the dots were by using a total of 21 different codes and ciphers, of which some had similarities but never came up as anything coherent. 6. We went to the link in the desc of the video to find a link to a channel that Jack has a relationship with, which seemed to be some type of ARG, but we dismissed it. 7. One of the things we did with the audio (I don't understand it myself but I watched the guy do it) Sounded like something from Halo, We checked and there is apparently a song called "The Trials" that sounded close to what the new audio was. That's just a few things we did, The group lasted for around two days at most before everyone left, we thought we were doing some Cicada 3301 mystery stuff
  • @looneytoon7886
    Boosfer: Im going to be fair to every player. Also Boosfer: Take a screenshot of these blocks.
  • For puzzle 3 I thought of vengeance or revenge. Reflection of the anger and fear of being wronged or betrayed. Revenge often ends up hurting the ones you love in one way or another, by either collateral damage, or further retaliation. The ways people take revenge can get quite out there, and words themselves can deal significant damage. As for the hints a story came to mind. Two players on a survival world, one thought it be funny to trick their friend into falling into lava with a dirt block. The victim dies a loses their enchanted armor that they worked really hard for. As "revenge," the victim gives the other player a poisoned pie. (I don't think you can poison pumpkin pie, but it fits the story)
  • @MrHat-
    GGS BARDI! Was rooting for u