A beautiful woman, the pilot of the world's most powerful attack aircraft A-10 Thunderbolt II.

Published 2021-08-29
Preparing for a routine training flight in an A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft from the US Air Force base in the Republic of Korea.

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All Comments (21)
  • As a 64 years young woman,daughter of a man who served his country proudly for 21 years without fail and with injury for his country, his family and the world, THIS video has proven to me, women can "GET ER DONE" too! Thanks to all ladies out there who continue to show us that having a heart and a hope for mankind can be taken on in a variety of ways!! Peace to all.....
  • @boris2sssr
    ... звук работающих двигателей - самая Лучшая Песня для Пилота! Спасибо, Мэм!
  • Никогда не думал, что А-10 вблизи такой большой, с расстояния он кажется маленьким подвижным самолетиком.
  • @yucayeyart406
    It brings me memories of Alaska during Brim Frost training in 1983. They used to fly around our camp.
  • @PlanetBlake
    Always will be one of my favorite aircraft ever. Great firepower, extremely durable, and can even hold it's own in a dogfight if they get caught without their air cover.
  • @timopkokko
    OMG, MIL3010, you know how much I love A-10 Thunderbolt. An American female pilot flying it? This is totally way too awesome!!
  • @bsmith8564
    I was stationed at Sembach in the early 80's did tda's at Ahlhorn twice. Amazing aircraft.
  • @45auto82
    I remember seeing the A10 for the very first time right when they first came out. As a crash/rescue firefighter/paramedic at my USAF base IN THE MID 70’s, we had to do what we called pre-fire plans on all aircraft and buildings. So when the A10 arrived and parked on the tarmac the Chief arranged for us to go see and climb all over it. We were used to close air/ground support aircraft like the A10 but they were really just small little A37’s, about the size and shape of a squashed volkswagen with wings, so I expected just an updated version of them. When we got out on the ramp, the aircraft there was huge! I couldn’t jump and touch the wings and you could almost stand up in one of those humongous jet intakes! Not only that, but the 7 barreled GAU 30mm canon just looks fearsome sticking out the front. It actually goes almost all the way thru the fuselage too. The pilot made sure the gun and radar were safe and off, then we got to learn all about that plane. Sure was fun and I’ll never forget it! Only the SR71 ever captured my attn as much and the A10 provided a much needed respite from only seeing B52’s all the time. Thanks for the great video.
  • @LarryManiccia
    Gotta be one hell of a rush going to work flying a machine like that every day. Much respect to all the aviators across all branches of the military
  • One of the fondest memories of my life was sitting on a road near just off the runway at the Hagerstown, Maryland airport where they were made (Fairchild Republic) and watching them do touch and go's. Gave me the impetus to go and get my pilots license. Unfortunately, the Cessna 152 I learned in didn't have the big cannon in the front.
  • @MrFloydSaunders
    When I was on active duty with the Air Force, I served with the Tactical Air Command and the A-10 was the plane where. I was based. An incredible ground forces support plane. I also served in SAC, at Anderson AFB, where the B-52s were used to bomb Hanoi and with MAC at Dover AFB, where we had the C-5 aircraft. I only had an opportunity to see these aircraft taking off and landing, but each were impressive aircraft in their own way.
  • @konradrodrigues
    A10s will always be some of the most remembered fighter aircrafts along with sea Harriers ..
  • True that goes without saying but she's not a robot & it does not take away from the well-deserved respect for the talent & devotion to duty for the nation & comrades in.arms.
  • @nelsonc6173
    One of my favorite all time planes! THE WARTHOG!!! Basically a flying tank with really good maneuverability! Love to see them take down Russian tanks as they were designed to do during the Cold War! Not sure if they would perform well in today's modern air defenses! But she'll always have a place in my Aviation heart!
  • Regardless of a "beautiful woman" or not this has to be a special pilot for sure whoever flys these things.
  • @dannyhang9055
    Go lady we’re so proud of you serving us may god bless you all the times.
  • What a beauty… and the A-10 isn’t bad looking either…
  • Love it, if you have the skills, then you belong where you choose to be.