"They Are Stealing My Culture!" Bassem Youssef On Netflix's 'Cleopatra' Casting

Publicado 2023-04-24
Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef and author Ernest Owens to debate Netflix hiring non-Egyptian actress Adele James to play Cleopatra in a new Netflix show about the Pharaoh Queen.

Bassem is quick to point out the hypocrisy shown by Netflix and Hollywood for trying to defend the 'cultural appropriation' of Egyptian culture whilst constantly defending other groups from the same thing. He adds that they are stealing his culture and that people like Kevin Hart feed into the problem by trying to 'rewrite history' of Egypt with things such as the pyramids and who built them.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @LadyGamerLoon
    Love hearing the American telling the Egyptian that he is wrong about his own culture 🙄
  • @Erikl826
    The Egyptian: giving sound arguments and historically accurate information The American: making sassy stank faces when disagrees
  • I'm Iranian, and I have never met an Egyptian I didn't like. My best friend is from Egypt, I love Egyptians
  • @antoniohm76
    The biggest issue is because they are selling it as "DO-CU-MEN-TA-RY" as the doctor said. A documentary needs to be as accurate as possible.
  • @reddust4632
    An American telling an Egyptian about Egyptian history, fascinating....
  • @rubynutman
    Cleopatra came from the Ptolemy dynasty of pharaohs. Ptolemy, whom the dynasty was named after was a Macedonian Greek and was a general in the companion cavalry lead by Alexander the Great. So Cleopatra's heritage is a mixture of Greek and Egyptian, that's roughly how she would be described.
  • @Griggs133
    The guy on the right making faces because he has no argument while being schooled by the Egyptian guy is so infuriating. He knows he's losing the debate but he feels like his position is dogmatically morally correct so he keeps making childish faces because he cant handle losing.
  • @saphadill7069
    As a black woman, I also very much agree that we should stop black washing everything, especially if we’re going to get mad if roles were reversed! The double standards are appalling Edit: damn I was not expecting my post to blow up. Erm… I read some of the comments but I’m not going through everything. Yes, I am black. But I love that people think I’m not because I disagree with black people trying to take over everything. To the people telling me I should research my history, I think you should actually do the same. Cleo was more European than she was black. There are also many depictions of her that still exist, statues and coins that do not show her looking any type of black. She may have had some in her but not enough to make her look like the actress used. If you’re going to make an HISTORICAL DOCUMENTARY then use the right people to represent, and don’t have someone in the trailer saying “I don’t care what they teach you in school, Cleopatra was black” that’s just factually incorrect and insulting to her culture.
  • @angelh1743
    I have to agree with the gentleman from Egypt on this one. Who are in America to claim this thing is a documentary. We don't even teach Egyptian history in school. Not even African history. When I say African history I mean history about Africa. Not American African history in America. America is in no rightful position to say this Cleopatra is a documentary. That is very ignorant. Plus I also love how the guy on the right completely dodges the question about how he would feel if a white actor was chosen to play Nelson Mandela. He knew if he truly answered that question truthfully, he would have lost all credibility on Cleopatra.
  • @arwynanne
    Bassem 100% correct. The American is just ignorant.
  • @waisol2333
    As a black West African, I must say I am tired of these people blackwashing every other culture. Why can't we tell our own stories?
  • @Michael_Kouri
    As a Greek having watched a lot of Holywood movies on greek myths & history, I couldn't agree & relate more to Bassem Youssef. Egyptian history is marvelous and frankly nobody gives a damn about American guilt syndrome. History is history, truth is the truth and that's all that matters
  • @keitha2616
    This is like watching a thief get mad cause someone stopped him from stealing. These people wish they could be us so bad it drives them insane.
  • @iBeatBoxz8
    I love how Americans get worked up over a fictional mermaid being "racially" inaccurate, but it's fine when it comes to an actual historical figure.
  • @raffcutt5498
    I'm happy Egypt sues Netflix for 2 billion. That'll teach those clowns.
  • @davidrojas6457
    This dude making the silliest, most immature faces while Dr. Youssef explained and clarified his own points back to him is just all you need to know about who is right here.
  • @valbrahms4673
    “This is not the little mermaid” - This man is a beast! 😂💚
  • @Hrcak1
    Bassem is very ethical human, he has hunger strike against Boku Haram and killing of Christians, he went to Egypt and attacked government for building wall in Gaza, he was actively protesting every weekend against killing in Syria, he even started foundation for return of Jews in Arabs countries and stopping discrimination, giving Jews same rights like Arabs have in Israel. Very nice human being not Jews hater as people could think. He's also advocating loudly for the human rights in Iran. Wonderful human.