Why Mike Markkula decided to invest in Steve Job's Apple?

Published 2023-07-26

All Comments (16)
  • @GChief117
    Finally people are talking about Markkula!!!!!!
  • @builderbob58
    I worked for Mike. Absolutely a great guy, and a lot of patience to put up with Steve
  • Jobs was extremy ungrateful to Markkula (and to so many other people); yes, Wozniak-Jobs were a great team, but without Markkula's initial investment and faith in them, it wouldn't happen simple as that.
  • And what happened then ? Did that company succeed? I would like to know how it all turned out.
  • @themusic6808
    $142,000 invested at Apples IPO in 1984 would today be a split adjusted 1,092,000 shares valued at $184,000,000……not a bad ROI. Although like he said most people outside of the technology world at the time had zero idea what any of it was or would be, let alone the companies that would become the worlds most valuable 30 to 40 years later. Certainly easy to go back to the 80’s and say one would have bought up shares of Apple, Adobe, Microsoft & Oracle lol
  • @rock3tcatU233
    If he held his 26% today he would have a net worth of over 500 billion dollars.
  • @Device_Guy
    This clip is from an awesome movie called Something Ventured. Whoever posted it "Misfits" doesn't give credit to the original source, which is called copyright infringement and it's illegal. You must post the source of the clip and give credit, otherwise you are stealing.
  • @32rithik20
    Apple’s history is too deep to dig out…
  • @v4v819
    Didn't he sell his 20% stake to a group just before Apple went public...