Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak reunites with motherboard he built in 1976 | USA TODAY

Published 2022-09-20
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak signed a 1976 Apple I motherboard he built decades ago. The video captured in 2021 went viral again on TikTok.

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#Wozniak #Apple #Computer

All Comments (21)
  • @dualboy24
    Without Steve Wozniak there would have been no apple computers, he was the brains that got the company launched.
  • @ethanevans2689
    We lost Jobs, but I don’t think we realized how lucky we are to still have the WoZ with us. He’s the brains behind the operation. Jobs was the salesman.
  • @ronniefranco512
    Jobs was the salesman and visionary, Wozniak was the real computer genius.
  • It was like seeing his child again. That really was his baby back in the day.
  • @kennethfharkin
    This guys simple love for what he created is undeniable.
  • @vjmtz
    Woz is such a good guy, completely full of wonder and kindness, on top of being just a pure genius. The day this man is no longer with us, will truly be a sad day to me. There is no doubt that this is maybe the most pure person the tech industry has. All the others, sure, genius in their own right - do not have that pure amazment and love for technology like Woz has. He never did anything for money, pride, or exploitation. All he wanted was to make wonderful things for people to learn, grow, and do things better. You really can't say that about anyone in the tech industry today.
  • @pradeep2662
    Now I understand why there's so much hate for vertical recording
  • @hiker64
    His humility combined with the desire to share music and other talents with children throughout his life has made him someone to truly admire - A techie, but without the greed or ego. He even waited in line with other customers outside of Apple stores to get the new iPhone on several occasions when he could have just gotten one ahead of time from Apple. Imagine being part of the Homebrew Computer Club back in the 1970s before all the money was thrown at personal computer development.
  • @jenn.i5103
    Steve was a great personality in the apple team When we served our catering on Stanford Campus.
  • Sometimes when I watch videos of Woz I get the feeling that he doesn’t necessarily want to continue being “excited” over apple things or be a “celebrity” but he still graciously does these things
  • @overip
    WoZ is one of the best human beings ever existed.
  • That thing is now Priceless. To see the amazement in The Great Woz’ face and excitement of holding it. He’s such a Humble Living Legend 😄
  • A beautiful reunion. Truly, Wozniak and Jobs performed what appear to be miracles of technology.
  • @deepsleep7822
    SW has got to be proud, and not in a vain way, to see what his humble design has grown into and the whole industry it started. Talk about leaving a legacy.
  • Steve Jobs deserves all of the credit he gets, but I think Wozniak is seriously underappreciated. He was the real technological genius.
  • @R5ASTRO
    Changed the world from his garage ❤
  • @TrunkMonkey42
    Having music playing loudly over this was important.