Bomber Revisited (01-12-20)

Published 2023-06-12

TO LOAD THIS CART in Pico-8, in immediate mode type:

BOMBER for the Apple ][ computer has always been one of my favorite quick-shot 6502-assembly machine-language games, and at 32k it was a marvel for what it did.

Using no BASIC code at all, neither Floating Point nor Integer and purely in machine-language it had a jet come from the right-hand side of the screen to soar to the left while a tank below plodded from left to right.

Your mission: to bomb the tank. But it wouldn't be easy. While the initial tank that appeared followed a fairly steady course, the ones to follow were tricky to hit as they sometimes even went in reverse.

To make it more difficult the bomb you dropped followed a slow but steady curve. It was up to you to determine the best way to hit the tank by dropping your bombs on it.

And while you were granted an unlimited number of bombs to drop, you only had 60-seconds in which to do so.

Bomber is my entry in this week's Applecart. You can find more information about this weekly event HERE.

Please enjoy BOMBER, one of the great games from the history of the Apple ][ computer - and especially feel free to read the source-code which is chock full of helpful remarks including how the particle explosion is done. Thanks !