
Published 2023-06-12

Voxajam 2019 is LIVE!! Al February long!!

Details are in the cart, along with some demos and helper functions of varying type/depth made by myself and @Eiyeron -- feel free to take a look and use any of them to help get you started! They should be organized so that you can just:

Here are the details again for convenience:

"welcome to voxajam 2019!

If you have questions or suggestions, please post here in the thread or hit me up on twitter ( @enargy)
(helping spread the word by RTing this tweet would be appreciated also -- https://twitter.com/Enargy/status/1086287474127720449 )

Oh yeah if you have any questions let me know -- there's also an easter egg (or two) hidden in the announcement cart if anyone cares to look :p

what: a voxatron jam
theme: "so much more
than 'voxatron'"
there are no official
..but why not make something
outside the default
'robotron' style?
(a neat effect, a toy, a tool
a tweetcart, a full game--