Monster Mix and Mash Jam Announcement Cart -- easter egg update

Published 2023-06-12

10/24/2018 - This update just makes it so that /anyone/ that finds the easter egg (using this version of the cart) will be able to reap a 'prize' from Got-Ya, another game I made here:

I really should have done it this way from the start but oh well.

So.. if you already know where to look, look again. :)

== Whoever finds the easter egg in the announcement cart first (you'll know it when you see it) gets a prize ==

Start now or whenever you like; it's supposed to be pretty casual, but there is a deadline of Sunday, October 14th.

Only theme is that you 'pick at least one' from:

By popular demand, the deadline is officially extended to Sunday, October 14th

And you can now also join the jam using itch here:

(Or just use the lexaloffle thread -- whatever you want)