PSTVania - Please Steal This .. 'Vania

Publicado 2023-06-12


Itty bitty baby update! I want to keep this weekly to make sure it gets finished before the new year:
*A small bit more structure. And ... secret object 'C' has been added.

I said I'd upload something to do with this within the week
so here you go:

Z - Jump
X - Shoot
S - Toggle palette

A little of the framework is set. I'm going to clean things up a bit and add more features next week.

You can use the code/art here for whatever you want. The goal is to make something people can use/learn from. Fair warning that the codebase isn't great atm; expect improvements next update. The lil robot suit thing is a character I use in stuff, but you can have her cameo in a game or whatever. It's not a big deal.

Feel free to request features or leave feedback here.