Publicado 2023-06-12

(tip for people unfamiliar with PICO-8 controls: the "O" button maps to the following keyboard keys: Z, C, or N)

KITTENM4STERSOFT DEFRAG is the industry-leading fantasy defragmenter for the PICO-8.

Read what customers are saying about KITTENM4STERSOFT DEFRAG:

> "It really looks like it's working!"

> "The rectangles were over there and there...but now they are all over there! Amazing!"

> "I can't stop watching. Please send help."

Let's see how the features in KITTENM4STERSOFT DEFRAG stack up when compared with Other Leading Defragmenters:

Other leading defragmenters are designed with function first, giving only a passing thought to USER EXPERIENCE.

KITTENM4STERSOFT DEFRAG is revolutionizing the industry by putting user experience first!

KITTENM4STERSOFT DEFRAG is the only PICO-8 defragmenter designed for one sole purpose: to give you the luxuriously satisfying experience of watching a disk be defragmented.

Other leading defragmenters can also defragment, but once they finish running, your files are stuck there at the beginning of the drive, forcing you to wait hours, days, or even weeks until your disk is fragmented enough to defragment again to satisfying results.

Unlike other leading defragmenters which cease to provide the user with an entertaining display of ambulating rectangles once they have finished, KITTENM4STERSOFT DEFRAG creates a new FANTASY DISK each time it is run!

Open the PICO-8 menu (on keyboard, press RETURN or P) to access the following two optional modes:

Enjoy the latest in popular music, perfectly paired with the enticing visuals to enhance your meditative experience. DEFRAGMENT YOUR MIND, BODY, AND SOUL!

Activate SCREENSAVER MODE to disable pesky dialog boxes, enabling you to sit back and enjoy an endless supply of fresh fantasy disks get defragmented with no user interaction required!