October is 3-COLOR Jam Month #3CJam - Starts 10/1 thru 10/30- Spookytime!


-- 11/13/17 --

Soon. :)

-- 10/27/2017 ---
REMINDER! You've got one weekend left :)

To be specific, you need to finish your games at some point on 10/30 and upload them by/on 10/31. Don't worry about getting it uploaded exactly before the stroke of midnight or anything; this is a chill jam...

Buuuuutttt.... if you get your games in before mid-day on 10/31 and post the cartridge ID (that '[ # 02156489# ]' thing you use to display it in a forum post) in this thread (or send it to me on twitter, I guess -- @enargy)... you'll be happily surprised.
For reasons. :)
Trust me.
[evil, secret laughter]

As for our project, I still have a ways to go before making use of all of this amazing art by @castpixel but here's an update gif:

Good luck and happy jamming! Have a spoooooky weekend! I can't wait to check out all the things I've been seeing previewed!

--- 10/13/2017 ---
Reminder that the #3CJam -- the 3 Color Jam -- is running all month. Feel free to take a week. Or a day. Or even just an hour -- it's all up to you. Just make sure you only use 3 unique colors on-screen (at a time).

Here's some progress on the entry @castpixel and I are working on --

Announcement Cart:

This is announcing the October 3-Color Jam!
Co-hosted by Enargy and Castpixel

-- Work as you like any time between 10/1 and 10/30
-- Games must be uploaded by 10/31 (so we can play them on/by Halloween, of course!)

~ simple is fine -- you could even just use 2 colors (say, black and red Virtual Boy style?) if you wanted
~ 2 bits per pixel means you can fit a LOT of graphics in a small amount of sprite space
~ Working in teams is ok
~ Submitting more than one cart is okay
~ Text-based games (spooky choose your own adventure game??) are okay
~ Art / scene demo carts are okay
~ Mini-games are fine too
~ Share progress with #3cjam and #pico8
~ If you have questions, post here or shout at me on twitter ( @enargy)

Castpixel and I are working on a 2d adventure game starring a witch for our submission. Here's some of her (awesome!) mockup art to help get your creative juices flowing:

Note that you don't have to use black/white/orange. It can be any 3 colors. Or even just 2 if you want.

Here's an example of a very cool 2 color spooky text based pico8 game using red and black -- Mystery Hunter by Xanthas: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=29162