Vaca v1.4 (Now with standalone player/game skeleton)

Published 2023-06-12

This is the same as the player below, except it's illustrating a way to link multiple animations using cutaways. Normally you would need to account for each shape in a previous frame in the new frame as they are intended to 'animate'. That can be used for interesting effects, like the cat gif below that has words transition from Japanese to Meownese. But using this structure allows you to more traditionally link completely unrelated scenes so they will be played in a sequence, before returning to the main program state.

INSTRUCTIONS: Use Left/Right to change the selected animation, and 'X' to play the currently selected animation.

Here's a standalone vector player with some sample animations. The token count here is pretty high (Just under 3k ! :O) -- a version with less overhead is on the list for a future release :)

Vaca v1.4

After over a month of tooling around, I have completed a pretty decent Pong clone. See?:

...Wait, what?

Ohhh that's right. This is actually a vector animation creation application. Thaaat's why I named it that..

Here's a cart with that animation in it. Manual / instructions are in the code, but I'll reprint them at the bottom of this post:

Here's a couple sample animations I made to test things out in various states of development:

And here is another version of this cart that does /not/ have an animation stored so you can make your own things:

So! This thing still needs a little work, including a major change I'd like to make to how rect elements are done, and better compression for saved strings... But, I've also been working on it for long enough that I'd like to share it. If you find any crash bugs (even after all the ones I've fixed, you very well may!), please let me know!

In addition to bugfixes and some tweaks/additions, I'm planning to release some further write ups over the next few weeks that outline some of the concepts behind this little tool. A lot of this stuff was mostly new (or forgotten -- apologies to my highschool math teachers) for me, so there were a lot of '..oh!' and '...Aha!' moments as I tried to reason things out. If I got stuck, I would usually flip through an old math text.. and sometimes I'd find I hadn't been too far from the mark. ..Of course, there were other times I'd realize I had been pretty off in the weeds, but hey whatever -- it was a fun process :)

But yeah, the code in those carts isn't the most well written or well organized; partly due to the procedural nature of my knowledge, the need to work around token limitations, and partly well you know.. I'm kind of messy sometimes okay? But my hope is that using long-form essays will be more useful to people with questions about how this works. And along with those articles, I'll be giving some examples of how to use these animations as assets in games:

Here's the manual for Vaca!:

Vaca v1.4
by enargy [check comments]

Special thanks to:

** protip: hover over buttons to see what they do! ***

If you have questions or want to support this project, I'm also on twitter as @enargy (the lexaloffle forums don't have notifications yet, so if you post here it's possible I won't see it)

Left Click=set point(s)

Right Click=Change shape mode (Line, Circle, Tri, Rect)

(keyboard controls)

Rotate tri:
only works on triangles