NEW: Easier to read lines and FULL JLPT5 KANJI SUPPORT - Kanji / Hiragana / Kat


Kind of on vacation but.. I had an idea for how to make the lines a lot more visually appealing so here you go.

4/3/2018 - This adds support for a 'kanji' mode. Currently it just includes all 79 of the JLPT5 kanji. The way characters are stored has been updated, and should allow for more kanji in the future.

There have also been some graphical updates (mostly just to the title screen and kanji mode, but yeah..

Anyway, hope some people find this useful. I know that just plotting out the characters for this has helped my reading speed a /lot/. Oh and if you notice any mistakes, please let me know!!

Oh yeah, eventually I want to add support for different pronunciations and a Mandarin (han) read mode. A screensaver feature could be cool too, but I'm waiting to convert the kana/gana to the new data format first.

7/28/2017 - Bugfix; a typo prevented 'fu' from being drawn since the points had been stored as 'hu'.
Now ふ would make a silly 'fu' like that, huh? み, of course!

7/27/2017 - So this is a quick update.. I was going to use something similar to this as an example for the vector animation tool I just finished up. So I started drawing some graphics using that:

BUT... since I made that thing with tris and prims in mind and not 'drawing thick lines'.. it's a little tedious to use for kana :p

..So I made something a little different instead..

So yeah, no real new features. I still plan on coming back to this eventually. But for now, just some (optional) prettier (or at least more legible??) graphics.

Anyway, here's the new version -- let me know what you think:

5/23/2017 - I meant to add this a while ago but got distracted with figuring out how to fix an issue with the pocketChip. Now that that issue is resolved, I wanted to give some attention to this project, and soo...

[EDIT: Version 1.1 added, which fixes a couple of bugs in the initial release. It also adds an 'instant' directional input method.
Big thanks to ~firefly~ and qbicfeet for catching those issues / suggesting the new input method!]

Hiragana/Katakana quiz

--Font is based on several jp games for gameboy (they're pretty uniform, but esp Dragon Quest and Pocket Love) adjusted to have everything fit into 8x8. There are a few that aren't that great, sooooo feel free to send better character art!

--Some sort of 'correct' / 'fail' visual effect
--Future modes/options: