Baba Is You Demake [FULL GAME]


Disclaimer: While this demake does contain an introduction level for each new element, I would highly recommend you play the original game before this! Because the demake is a lot shorter than the original, the difficulty ramps up faster than it probably should.

Arrows - Move
X/V - Undo
C/Z - Idle
R - Restart level
T - Title screen

There are 4 "worlds" containing 8 levels each, adding up to 32 levels in total.

Your progress will be saved automatically. It will keep track of which levels you've unlocked, which one you were currently on, and your time. You can clear your save data from the pause menu.

Since some text can be hard to read depending on the background, there is an option in the pause menu to disable text darkening whenever a piece of text isn't part of a sentence.

Baba Is You - By Hempuli (Arvi Teikari)
Baba Is You Demake - By ooooggll (me)
Playtesting - The Baba Is You Discord
PICO-8 - By Lexaloffle

This project started over a year ago, in a different form. Originally it was called Ba Is Yo, as I was using a larger text size that only allowed for two letters per word (the rest of the word had to be extrapolated by the player). I got pretty far into this project but ran into severe lag issues which killed my motivation. I also got a little ambitious with some of the features, namely the fact that I tried to implement WORD. A few months later, I restarted basically from scratch, with much better optimizations in place. I also managed to get condition-type text working with the text interpreter! The last few optimizations were related to autotiling and didn't actually happen until the last minute, for some reason. I'm really happy with how smoothly it runs now though.





