Brute Force Password Guess

Publicado 2023-06-12

(v01 10-20-22)TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type: load #bruteforcepw


I was looking at the source-code of @Guest122's program:

To guess someone's password and while his has a dictionary, I did want to point out just how quickly and how unsafe it is to have a small password for instance on one of your internet accounts.

So I wrote this program. What it does is allow you to input a 4-letter word via the regular joystick and then through brute force go from AAAA to ZZZZ to find what your password was, and tell you how long it took to search.

Run it. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to change letters, the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to change character positions and the 🅾️ and ❎ keys to accept that letter or delete one.

For instance XRAY is found in only 13.9 seconds.

A word like ADAM is even faster since the first letter to search is already A, in at 0.0667 seconds.

Be aware that 'bots traveling the internet and using this method to guess people's passwords are millions of times faster than this and can handle a lot more characters like 9-10 in just seconds. Always use a good and complex password when creating accounts online.

I may follow this up with a comprehensive password generator, that generates passwords based upon what you know so you will never forget it.

BY THE WAY, I was wondering if someone could please post a better version of what I did above. It would be code to demonstrate the same thing yet not use an array - and the string can be any length, so it's not just limited to 4-characters.

Essentially you could have a 4-letter word like, "PANE." Then in the code you write guess for it, but do not use arrays. You would have to examine the actual characters and letters in the string. I couldn't figure that out in my head is why I used an array.