Gentle Rain

Published 2023-06-12

(v03 07-14-22)

TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type: load #gentle_rain

VVhat's new ?

(07-14-22) 2:36pm

There are a great many ways to create rain effects in a video-game, and Pico-8 is no exception.

In this link below can see years ago I did rain effects in the beginning by drawing a single 8x8 sprite randomly all over the screen and I had appropriate "rumble" of the rain in the background.

Just yesterday though I was playing a game in the NES and saw a most interesting effect to create rain, a series of sprites in a fixed 8x8 pixeled area that give a nice "splash" effect.

Here now is the code and images I developed from observing that.

Press 🅾️ to turn on and off the grid.
Press ❎ to turn on and off the lightning and thunder effects.

Press ⬆️ (up) to increase the speed of the rain animation.
Press ⬇️ (down) to decrease the speed of the rain animation.

The raindrops appear directly inside the grid but can really appear anywhere - to add a little rain to your game. :)

The "trickle" sound effect is the best I can do in Pico-8 with its sound limitations. Still I think this turned out pretty good.

Let me know what you think ! :)