Flipping Out

Publicado 2023-06-12

TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART in immediate mode, type: load #flippingout

I am having great difficulty coding the game I am working on using conventional _update() method - to keep track of all the elements, some of which need to lock the controls and flow for a tight loop, others of which open up the main system again.

For instance, I want to have a scene where you might animate something from point A to point B. Play a sound while that animation is taking place, wait until the sound is completed, then animate point B to C. I wrote some sample code. While my game has little to do with this demo, the loop constructs are very similar and just as complex.

Watching the demo, it all looks pretty simple and yes it can be if you use FOR/NEXT and FLIP().

Yet how would you write something like this using only _update() with no FLIP() whatsoever ? To get the exact same results in timing, motion, and pauses - that is beyond my understanding.

... heading out for a few hours, will definitely return to see how you yourself would code this using _update() notation.