Do you ever feel remorse? Ask a Psychopath

Published 2021-07-01
We all know someone with psychopathy.

But few know the truth about it. We’re helping change that… by helping you know the signs. Know about treatment options and resources. And know you’re not alone.

James Fallon is a professor of neuroscience at University of California at Irvine, and the author of the book The Psychopath Inside. He considers himself a "prosocial psychopath."

He joins us today on zoom to discuss what it is like to be psychopathic.

All Comments (21)
  • @eglelt219
    I believe he's the dude that was doing a research on psychopaths and found out that he was one himself.
  • @Punicia
    Psychopath doesn’t mean violent. It means blunted emotional responses and pathological egocentricity which puts one at a greater risk for violence.
  • I get it. He doesn't feel remorse because his brain isn't wired to process other people's pain/sadness as something HE caused. It, by default, justifies his intentions....? It kind of makes sense because people can only make you feel how you allow them to. It seems psychopaths have a level of self-assurance/authenticity that most people struggle to reach because they care too much about what other people think 🤔
  • @averynb1218
    It helps to hear that he doesn’t intend to or enjoy hurting people though
  • @aspdid3073
    This is an interesting project, as someone with ASPD please keep doing this
  • @OceanHedgehog
    What he's saying here is very important because it shows that while psychopaths don't feel empathy (and everything is seen from their perspective only in their minds), it does not inherently make them "bad" people because not all psychopaths want to hurt other people. This seems obvious but there's a stigma that psychopath=serial killer, but the fact is that there's millions of psychopaths and only a small handful of serial killers.
  • One thing I'm noticing about both of them is that they don't seem to take stuff in. It's like their communication is one way. They put energy out, but they don't take anything in. Like conversations would always be one sided. I guess if you don't care, you wouldn't take much in. What would be the point?
  • The positive response is overwhelming. We couldn't do it without you all. Thank you!
  • Thank you for recording and posting these valuable educational videos.
  • I have a sincere question for people with psychopathy who have long term relationships, like this gentleman who’s been married for decades. Do you feel anything akin to sadness or grief when your partner passes? I mean no disrespect. I am genuinely curious.
  • This is something I just learned recently and I’m not a psychopath but I used to feel offended if people were hurt by something I did, as long as I didn’t mean to hurt them. Like I thought as long as I had good intentions, everything was fine but it’s not really the intentions that matter, it’s your actions
  • @varunv2584
    Thanks for clearing this up. I thought I have Psychopathy. I feel remorse for treating my brother badly.
  • @Sweet_Cherry2024
    I have been a close friend to a psychopath but she was very sad when her grandmother passed away.
  • @vernitico
    I really suspect a friend of mine to be a psychopath. He never feels guilty about anything he does and I don't mean in the way this man in the video describes it. For example my friend feels totally justified to just steal something from someone else and if he gets caught and doesn't get away with it he feels like he's a victim. Or when he breaks someone's stuff, no matter how much it hurts them he only gets irritated or angry when they 'dare' voice their displeasure with him, no remorse whatsoever.
    It's like asking a blind person "Can you see?"
  • @skaruts
    Envisioning it is probably akin to trying to envision being blind, and vice versa.
  • My best friend in high school was a psychopath. I always had this arrogant notion in the back of my head that I could "fix" him, or that I was "making him a better person" by being his friend like he used to tell me. It turned out that he had tried to use me in a very severe way and that his cutdown comments throughout the years were not so innocuous. Last I knew he had a fairly successful career as a door to door scam artist. I wonder if he ever realized that he was a psychopath.