Sociopath vs Psychopath - What's The Difference?

Published 2018-11-01
What's the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath? How does a psychopath compare to a sociopath?

Do you have an exalted sense of self? Are you a compulsive liar? Would you do just about anything to get you want? If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, you might want to consult a professional who can determine if you are a sociopath or a psychopath. Both sociopaths and psychopaths share three common traits suggested by the questions above – conceitedness, deceitfulness, and manipulation largely unchecked by moral conscience. Some experts think sociopathy and psychopathy are the same and group them together under the diagnostic term antisocial personality disorder or APD, while others argue that there are significant differences between the two mental disorders. We will examine some of these differences in this episode of The Infographics Show, “Sociopath vs. Psychopath.”






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All Comments (21)
  • The Barnum effect is a phenomenon that triggers false positives when individuals give high accuracy ratings to descriptions of their personality that supposedly are tailored specifically to them, but are in fact vague and general enough to apply to a wide range of people (common when reading horoscopes, aura reading, fortune telling and even some personality tests). Have you experienced it yourselves after watching this video? Let me know...
  • @wi4101
    "I was normal, society turned me into a psychopath" Brandon, 13, just watched the movie Joker.
  • @holysheet7271
    There's A sociopath, A psychopath, And then toxic parents.
  • "I'm not a sociopath" -light yagami, 17, after casually killing half of Japan
  • @sfynxxyb6505
    I'm diagnosed with ASPD (sociopathy), I do hop from job to job a lot and travel a lot without setting up a home. I have emotions and bonds but I experience them differently than others. I also only have very few meaningful connections with people. I am not violent though but this video was somewhat accurate, it kind of focused on the most extreme cases of ASPD
  • @fate9953
    I'm a psychopath, -John, 12, got rejected by his crush once
  • @azaka3720
    "yeah im basically a sociopath" -Josh,15, watched Death Note once
  • @johndoe1059
    I’m diagnosed as a sociopath. It’s very hard to maintain emotional connections with friends and family. I’m constantly having to put effort in those connections but I’d do anything for them. It’s not an easy thing to learn to cope with. Most encounters with new relationships, co workers or otherwise leaves you wondering if they’re going to hurt you. I show respect but have a feeling of distrust from the very beginning. You know that you should feel happier than you are. You know you have no reason to suspect distrust from people you’ve hardly met or said more than a few words to. That’s just a few minor examples. Hope that helps people understand just a little bit better.
  • @myriamguns2162
    As a general rule: -Psychopaths are born -Sociopaths are made I'm no expert. It's what I found after some research on the net.
  • @iloilee
    Psychopath: Born this way Sociopath: Born normal, but later developed sociopathy due to extreme trauma/abuse as a child. Psychopath: Not impulsive in the slightest. They think and calculate before every action. They let logic and reason run their actions. Sociopath: Highly impulsive and careless. They let emotion and anger run their actions. Psychopath: Unable to feel certain emotions. Most psychopaths are unable to feel embarrassment, anxiety, anger, love, empathy, sympathy, regret, guilt, etc. Sociopath: Have a wider range of emotions. They’re able to feel most emotions, but they have a harder time forming bonds with people and thinking clearly. They have less empathy and sympathy for people. They can feel anger and rage, unlike psychopaths. Psychopath: Typically smarter than sociopaths. Sociopath: Sometimes less smart than psychopaths are, and much more reckless. Psychopath: Unlikely to be violent or ever have violent tendencies (contrary to what you see in movies, it’s rare for psychopaths to have violent urges, let alone act on them or murder people. They usually see no point in it) Sociopath: Likely to be violent. Sociopaths are likely to break things and harm people or animals in a fit of rage. Psychopath: Highly successful. These people typically have high status in society and are great at mimicking the emotions that they can’t feel. They hold their composure and calmness. They never freak out or become stressed. They work great under pressure. They seem surprisingly normal and average. Sociopath: Unlikely to become successful. Sociopaths often turn to drugs and crime. They end up in prison and they are terrible at composing themselves and functioning in society. They have little control on their emotions and impulses. Of course, every sociopath and psychopath is different, but this is typically what is seen in these disorders. The disorders are hard to diagnose. The diagnoses can only be made once the patient enters adulthood. Sociopaths are often misdiagnosed as bipolar or as having borderline personality disorder. An example of a psychopathic murderer: Ted Bundy. An example of a sociopathic murderer: Nikolas Cruz. A homicidal psychopath is more likely to commit serial murders on separate occasions and in a more careful and calculated way than homicidal sociopaths. A homicidal sociopath is more likely to murder someone out of anger, like in an argument or road rage. They’re more likely to commit mass murders than homicidal psychopaths. I hope this helps all of you!
  • Main difference is sociopaths repress emotions/empathy, while psychopaths just don't have the emotion. Neither is irredeemably evil, but they lack the sort of emotional empathy that might help them behave "normally". One thing to keep in mind is psychopathy is studied mainly in prisons even though the majority of psychopaths are not violent or criminal and that skews the perception of their more negative behaviors. There's just not much motivation to study high functioning psychopaths. The detachment does mean, when they go bad, they can be extreme with it, but they are still capable of making moral decisions.
  • @Ireland3
    Sociopaths and psychopaths don’t usually admit they are one (especially psychopaths) plus it’s incredibly difficult to spot or determine if a person is a psychopath considering they are really good at acting stuff out
  • @Capzlock03
    I'm not psychopath i'm just a normal guy. -Ted Bundy
  • “IM A SOCIOPATH!” Ben, 13 years old, killed 3 people on fortnite
  • After watching this I think I know a lot more Sociopaths than I thought I did..
  • @CappenKrunch
    If my dad’s a sociopath, and my mom is a psychopath... what does that make me? Thanos
  • @mullemeck5015
    Came here to see the difference between Logan and Jake Paul.
  • @snakeoil7089
    The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human
  • I had a friend in highschool named Matthew Naughton. He and I had an on/off friendship that I ended up leaving because of the sadistic, manipulative person he hid from me and other mutual friends I don't talk to anymore. He did things that are reprehensible behind all our backs just so he could get off on a feeling he never naturally could have. He hurt kids, abused girls he dated, faked being gay to get drugs from this one guy, and other things I'm not comfortable sharing. I hope he gets what he dished out to so many unfortunate people who came to know him.