Relationship Timeline: Men VS Women

Published 2019-09-13
Video summary:

There are huge inherent differences between the relationship timelines of men and women, and as women, we need to know why the timelines are so different and what it means for you as a woman.

More in the video.    • Relationship Timeline: Men VS Women  

You and I have natural feminine biases that we cannot always control, no matter how hard we try. Our bodies and our hearts are driven towards gaining that emotional commitment from men, and that's the way it should be.

We live in a world where even we ourselves as women put pressure on each other to seem like we are too cool for emotional commitment and too cool to want commitment from men.

Full blog post here:

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#relationshiptimeline #relationshipadvice #relationships

All Comments (10)
  • @Ifilmshiz
    Wow common sense on the internet, tis a rare day we must celebrate! In all seriousness thank you for posting, this is needed more now then ever!
  • Hi Renee! Thank you for making us understand the dynamics more and the nature of men. i am so excited to get the dvd, i just have to make a international card for shipping cost :D im so happy it's still there. I thought its gone
  • @Arminius420
    Most of the expectations we have for each other are unreasonable and don't correspond with how we evolved. I am never happy in relationships anymore and its because of the influence of society such as politics, religion etc. I use to want a relationship but now I am finding myself happier with out one.
  • @wlessfanable
    Beside every good man is a woman. Beside that woman is her lawyer.
  • @stormfalcon72
    Oh this is nonsense! You cannot generalize like this without even considering attachment styles etc.
  • @vanime5
    I'm gonna tell you right now this is totally wrong. Women please dont listen to this video.
  • I love my husband do much an he doesn't understand how much he abuses me and I can't let him go
  • @mfriedrich2012
    Men and women are different due to 250,000 years of evolution. Both strategies contain unsavory components. Men are not dogs. Women are not gold digging whores. Our purpose together is human reproduction and optimal survival. This explains our sexual behavior, attraction, preferences. It’s not always sugar, nice and loving. It’s rather brutal and aligned to self-interest. But it is complementary and quite elegant too. A human female’s sexual strategy is hypergamy. It is situationally dualistic: Alpha seed, beta need. Alpha seed - she seeks masculine, strong, tall, confident, indifferent, symmetrically features, v-taper physique, abs, muscular, lean, dominant, competitive, aggressive, exciting, dangeous! Beta need - she seeks soft, gentle, COMMITMENT (“okay so now that we are fucking, where is this going?”), good provider, good listener, protector, long term provisioning of resource$, provider her comfort and rapport. Boring and reliable. Of course she will try to consolidate this divergent sexual strategy into one man, but the majority of women cannot as such high quality men are rare, and taken off the market early. Majority of males are beta males. Hence, the female disgust and contempt for men and the very notion that she would ever have to “settle” for less than her hypergamous entitlement. This sexual strategy is also observable in women on a monthly scale. During her proliferative phase, she is far more sexually open to alpha male traits. (The asshole drummer, the jock, the biker, the felon). During her luteal phase of her ovulatory cycle she gravitates toward males of softer features, his displays of parental investment (wow, he is so good with kids!), caring, provi$ion, security, warmth, rapport and comfort (teddy bear nice guy, friend zone orbiter ). The also explains how cuckholdry is common in the human species. She can impregnate herself with Chad or Tyrone, and then have Skippy pay for and raise the brood and conceal the truth. Example: Princess Dianna, Prince Charles and bastard Prince Harry (biological father is James Hewitt). Human males sexual strategy is nuanced from female. Human males seek unlimited access to unlimited sexuality and variety. Males manufacture millions of cheap sperm, reflecting this strategy. So you can see why social conventions where introduced to control male sexuality and female sexuality (religion, marriage, shame). Today male sexuality is strictly controlled, while female sexuality via birth control, welfare state, no fault divorce, penicillin, social media has been liberated, subsidized and condoned. Human males are attracted to youth, health, beauty and feminine virtue. High hip-to-waist ratio and fertility cues like plump breasts, long hair and clear skin signaling good nutrition. Women know this instinctively and respond accordingly as the multibillion dollar cosmetic and fashion industries prove. The lack of commitment today by men is a misnomer. 50% of marriages end in divorce, but i80% of all divorces are filed no fault by the wife. It is women, not men, who are the commitment phobes. And this is because of the legal and financial incentives for women to divorce. The problem is not women. Women have not changed at all. The reason men are not committing anymore is because all incentives for men to do so have been destroyed by gynocentrism. Dating is dead. Marriage is dead. Birth rates are dead. All that’s left are hookup apps, pump and dump and prescriptions for doxycycline. Men agreed to marry for three reasons: 1. Access to unlimited sex. Today most marriages are sexless, and provide no man assurances of sexual access. “No man is entitled to sex!!” Then in the same breath a man is told he must capitulate his time, attention and resources and sexual monogamy and opportunity costs to one woman? Women have no counter for this. 2. Social status. Being a husband and father used to be a venerated and respected position in society. It helped men advance in their careers and social connections. No more. Today the least respected, most ridiculed and derided positions are none other than husband and father. Replaced by single mother worship. 3. Genetic success and assurances of paternity. Today laws prevent male assurances of paternity. If your wife fucks another man, gets pregnant and has a baby, you will pay for that child and be shamed to raise it. Zero legal or financial consequences for the philandering wife. 4.feminine companionship. Today most western women are not feminine. They are loud, argumentative, domineering, belligerent and physically violent. To find feminine females men have to go to other countries like Asia and Latin America, and not being them back.