It Got Worse At The Pro Tour

Published 2024-07-02

All Comments (21)
  • @emblem3272
    The deck should really be called Fruit Loops. Bird as the mascot, plays like Cephalid Breakfast, and of course the deck has infinite loops.
  • @cephelos1098
    The reason Nadu's win rate was so low is exclusively because of its play rate: tons of Nadu decks lost to other Nadu decks, which brings the win rate closer to 50%. This happens a lot with oppressive options; the classic example being Snorlax in competitive Gen 2 Pokémon having a 50% win rate because it has a 100% play rate
  • @gpwaltz
    0:51 "So this is Nadu..." Oh god, it phases itself out too?!
  • -WotC prints new busted card to push pack sales -Pro players forced to buy new busted card to stay competitive -Pro players confirm card is busted at tournament, propose banning action -WotC bans symptom component of deck, not the busted card itself, to preserve resale value of packs in short-term -Pro players continue to confirm card is busted by replacing banned symptom component, core deck still problematic -WotC/Hasbro checks earnings of the last fiscal quarter, deems whether or not busted card should finally be banned based on revenue, not health of the game, factoring in compromise of pack sales -Busted card is finally banned, Pro players that bought into the deck forced to buy entirely new decks, likely supplementing lost revenue of packs -PREVIEW SEASON (Repeat Step 1) Same song, every year. Maybe "this product isn't for me."
  • @w47765
    0:51 Oh hell Nadu learned the secret stealth arts of the Purple Orks from Warhammer 40K! He's unstoppable now!
  • @Doki1880
    "We don't know our bad match up and that's why we are on it." That honesty such a powerful statement about Nadu decks when it is usually easier to tell what a decks bad match ups are even pretty early on.
  • @c_nrad
    I can see the logic of banning Shuko because it doesn’t allow cards like Nadu to be printed. However, cards like Nadu probably shouldn’t be printed in the first place.
  • They're gonna ban something insignificant and rush a secret lair ninja-weaponry with Shuko and only 3 other cards for $30 and then ban Nadu.
  • Wotc's bout to ban Shuko, a 19 year old draft chaff of an uncommon, to fix Nadu. Gonna be hilarious when it happens.
    Banning anything but Nadu is wrong. It's a ludicrous card and will remain format warping even without shuko or whatever they ban
  • @gfjungle
    pretty sure thats just a generic purple background and not nadu tbh
  • @lzan4gi
    You know what annoys me the most? It's that we're actually not sure if this will be banned. This card is pushed to a stupid level and it's so frustrating becaause they could have toned it down in 20 different ways but didn´t. And the thing is that if they fucked up in several cards or a whole set like Urza's Saga at least we all know bans were necessary and that was it. With these Modern Horizons cards they always just linger around and make everything miserable for longer and we have no idea what's gonna happen
  • @TehFoamy
    I heard someone saying “Nadu’s fine, people just need to adapt and play more removal” and I was like “hey yeah, you should tell that to the hundreds of professionals who lost to the deck at the pro tour, I’m sure you know better than all of them”
  • @joraddevries
    Am I the only one who loved the pun "Frank Karsten is the gift that keeps un giving"?
  • @dmv99
    ban the fucking bird. They banned twin because people played that card to death and because it forced people to skip turn three to not die... same argument here except you have to skip turn 2 to not die and even then you still sometimes die.
  • Extreme problems require extreme solutions. It’s time to unleash the Gaak.
  • I actually think they designed Nadu only for Commander and didn't even look at its implications for Modern.
  • @neil5652
    Another commentary you can make about the "low win rate" of the deck is that Nadu has a 50% win rate against it self. So if you imagined a meta game of all the same deck the 1 deck would have a 50% win rate but win the tournament. This happen in '11 with Caw Blade. It was so dominant it only sported something like a 52% win rate, but a whopping 28%! of the Pro Tour Paris meta game.