Battle for Ukraine’s New York: 24 hours before Russian invasion | Frontline | Daily Mail

Published 2024-07-23
Detecting Russian Drones in Ukraine's New York | Frontline | Daily Mail

Frontline reporters Richard Pendlebury and Jamie Wiseman drive to New York, a small town in Ukraine’s Donetsk Oblast that shares its name with The Big Apple. What they don’t know is that only 24 hours after their visit, it will find itself brutally attacked and on the verge of capture by Russian forces.

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All Comments (21)
  • Bless her I think she meant she was born in 1939 not 39 years old.
  • @Sophocles13
    @ 11:57 she says "I'm 39, it was my birthday" I'm pretty sure she's not claiming she's 39 years old. I think she's saying she was born in '39 which would make her 84 years old which makes much more sense. Probably just lost in translation.
  • @FireCrack83
    Look at this beautiful old lady! living in war and treating this foreign men almost like her relatives. Wishing him all the best for live and a nice girl. Oneday i have to visit ukraine and this wonderful people
  • @Bloodline2009
    I have to say, the Daily Mail's mini docs and coverage of this awful conflict has been fantastic. Thank you for risking everything to show us what's happening on the frontlines.
  • I teared up listening to this woman who just want to live in peace.
  • @sickmit3481
    Please give that reporter a proper helmet cover all the soldiers are probably laughing at him
  • Great documentary. Thanks a lot. Greetings from Russia from a person who's always against any war and this in particular.
  • @Sophocles13
    Dammit I hope that woman is okay :/ I have a special spot in my heart for older people. It kills me that's they're always the last ones to leave and usually by then it's too late.
  • @mmatchinsky
    July 27th and Niu York is still under Ukrainian control.
  • @TauchTobi
    Thank you for the insights. It is sad to see how the west is "reacting" in this matter.... I wish you as much protection angels during your filming as you need to not get hurt 🙏
  • Remove the constraints on weapons use and get this thing over with already.
    Richard, that was a fantastic documentary. Very moving and captivating. Thank you for reporting on this. Looking forward to hopefully seeing some more videos from the front lines!
  • To think the war hadnt even begun yet, now its looking like Niu-York will fall. All buildings mostly destroyed, i wonder if she is still there.
  • @MrTuinslang
    Nice documentary and journalism. Well done for being brave enough to go that close to show what is going on. Slava Ukraini
  • @3rdandlong
    I hope Ukrainian troops are able to save and protect this city, and deny Putin any means of joy.
  • @awright8489
    She was born in 1939 so is 85 years old obviously. lol
  • @redys22
    She said 'born in 39th year- 20 april.'' soo - she was born 20.04.1939