Metal Gear Solid 4 - Final Boss


Anyway, Yay! I got a PS3 recently and I FINALLY got a chance to complete MGS4. I've been holding off on this game for nearly 4 years. It's nice to finally beat it.

The first phase is simple. You pretty much have to keep attacking. Liquid doesn't do crap here.
The Son's of Liberty phase is probably the hardest. Liquid Ocelot becomes a lot more aggressive and gains a ridiculously strong punch attack. This is the part where you will most likely die on a high difficultly.
The Snake Eater phase makes the fight more CQC focused. Ocelot will start up a lot more holds then usual. A lot them can be countered too.
The final phase is just button mashing. If you get here, you probably won.

コメント (21)
  • I remember watching my dad play these games throughout my childhood, when I watched him play this part he had an expression I’ve never seen him make
  • @cyropyro
    I can't help but to imagine that this fight is actually happening all in their heads as they glare at each other across the table during lunch at the old folks home...
  • @Carlayna
    The moment they inject each other the life and saw Solid Snake and Liquid health bar with MGS1 style, i just cried of pure emotion!
  • I didn't even notice til just now how his name changes throughout the fight from Liquid, to Liquid Ocelot, to just Ocelot by the end as he regains "himself" even though he intentionally gave himself the hypnotherapy to believe he was liquid snake. Cool detail though ni this fight.
  • 5:27 My friend: "Hey man I'm going to the fridge you want anything to drink?" Me:
  • Tears on 11 minutes when Snake Eater music comes on.
  • @trcsonic
  • @Thegr8MC
    17:32 This brief little clip here of the one frog soldier comforting the other is one of my favorite scenes in the whole game. It's just a little reminder that under all the armor and weapons and systems and equipment and nanomachines, at the end of the day they're all still human.
  • I personally believe this is the best ending in gaming history. I love this so much. I purposely made two save files just to always go back and play this ending over and over.
  • So to snake its solid vs liquid in a fight to survive But in ocelot's head its ocelot vs big boss in a friendly duel that ocelot just wants to prove himself Thats really f***ing sad
  • 6:03 when both you and the music realize that the endless fighting between brothers is pointless.
  • 4:34 It always made me laugh how snake goes for a round house kick and actual just throws himself at Ocelot and he fucking catches him. Hilarious.
  • I have never enjoyed two old men beating the absolute shit out of each other more than now.
  • 6:48 It was this moment that really drove it home. After their long enmity, these two were determined to end it properly, as arch foes should.