Making Decisions Without Fear


コメント (21)
  • Dude! Your channel is awesome! You're doing a great favour for Catholics everywhere. God bless you, man :)
  • My brother in Christ, I cannot thank you enough for this channel. I have learned more about our faith in the past year than… Well, more than 30 years! Our Lady is definitely dispensing graces onto you.
  • This is one of the best channels on YouTube! We all need to listen to these kind of talks
  • These lectures are the ultimate distilled wisdom presented with ease, intelligence, simplicity and honesty. It cuts through all the noise. Thank you and God bless you.
  • @my1o
    Beautiful sermon, just what I needed.
  • @jnerodesu
    This was truly enlightening. I will be sitting in silence with the blessed sacrament today for 2 hours. Thank you!
  • Wow, what a sermon. All Thanks be to God & thank you Fr. [3x Hail Marys]. Praise be The Most Holy Trinity! Viva Cristo Rey! Ave Maria!
  • Spiritual toxins leaving the body when breaking a sweat while working out is a great motivator to work out!
  • @bagobeans
    God tries us to see how much we love Him. He takes us through darkness and He wants us to trust in Him and continue to love Him. Keep your focus on Jesus Christ.
  • The majority of my decisions have been made in desolation. Now I understand... I'm back in a place of desolation now, and because of this teaching, I pray I will make the right decision when consolation comes...
  • Before being saved we are all born in the flesh as slaves like chunks of coal. All pain and suffering is resented and avoided. After being saved, we become like diamonds and the light of God can finally shine through our life after enough pressure. Once we become a diamond and crucified the flesh, we are able to suffer for God without fear and take all the hits.
  • I can attest to that peace. I feel it literally everytime I leave confession.
  • I was prompted to speak of GOD’s Peace to a friend in need yesterday,,then this video appears on my playlist!
  • Invictus Christus!!! Thank you Sensus Fedelium, you've helped me get away from the world's pomp! Praise Jesus for your ministry