Still believe in the AI infrastructure plays but not with the follow-on: Tech investor Paul Meeks

Paul Meeks, Harvest Portfolio Management CIO, joins 'Squawk Box' to discuss the latest market trends, what to make of the recent tech selloff, impact of AI, and more.

コメント (19)
  • @MichaelAD222
    Buying a stock is easy, but buying the right stock without a time-tested strategy is incredibly hard. Hence what are the best stocks to buy now or put on a watchlist? I’ve been trying to grow my portfolio of $560K for sometime now, my major challenge is not knowing the best entry and exit strategie;s ... I would greatly appreciate any suggestions
  • Just watched Paul Meeks talking about AI infrastructure plays and it’s like he’s saying, “AI is the future, but don’t get too excited about the follow-ons.” 🤖💸 I’ve got $250k in my emergency fund and I’m ready to start investing. Should I go all-in on AI infrastructure or is there a smart way to diversify without falling for the hype? I don’t want to end up holding a bunch of tech stocks that turn out to be just fancy electronic paperweights!
  • Sir this is an eye opener video and I would be retiring in 5 years and I'm curious to know best how people split their pay, how much of it goes into savings, spendings or investments, I earn around $90,000 per annum but nothing to show for it yet
  • I feel investors should focus on under-the-radar stocks, considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, Because 35% of my $270k portfolio comprises plummeting stocks that were once revered. I don't know where to go here out of devastation.
  • I work on AI and I see first hand how well AI works. Folks - its real and its improving with every release.
  • I’m in this for the long haul. AI will make the following things possible: ai music and videos created on demand, more accurate test results for, say, skin and breast cancer, more streamlined logistics, adaptive education tools autonomous weapons. It will take some time, but in 5-7 years, the breakthroughs will be transformational. I’m not selling anything.
  • not focus on car and house sales. Fed already pumped up cars and houses but that failed. So pump up tech until it fails
  • @anzatzi
    AI exuberance pullback? Did someone figure out LLMs are not monetizable?
  • @dgaz3057
    ServiceNow is a big shot in the arm
  • @superUSA
    everyone is understanding that AI is a bubble!