Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle took full responsibility of attempted assassination

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is facing calls to resign after speaking in front of Congress Monday

コメント (9)
  • Taking accountability means accepting the consequences. There's been no consequences.
  • @Dzhokhar23
    Here in my country , a screw up of this magnitude would have been dealt with very harshly , and Cheatle would have been severely punished , especially back when we were still under CCCP☭ rule , back then she would have been very lucky to not get stood up in front of a firing squad , but one thing is for sure , her next job would have been working in a place like Pyramiden , 1100 kilometers from the north pole. The American system is way too tolerant.
  • @mopthermopther
    Whoa … somebody got a good old fashioned Tennessee dog whuppin’
  • Imagine how crazy she must be to think she is the best for that job and will not resign. It sounds and looks like she almost wellcomed the shooter with open arms. Lets see, a fireman was murdered, two people were injured and oh yes the presidential candidate was almost killed. She should be in jail . Maybe there will be some civil trials and she will have to pay
  • Would you like to use my five minutes to draft your resignation?
  • I always thought the USSS was a premiere law enforcement agency. It's sure hard to accept the reality that it has become a DEI junkyard being led by an incompetent director.
  • It was trumps fault he should not have turned his head. Now this nice dei hire is gonna get a raise and a slap on the wrist.