7-Year-Old Cellist Prodigy Yo-Yo Ma's Debut Performance for President JFK | The Kennedy Center

Leonard Bernstein introduces 7-year-old Yo-Yo Ma and his 11-year-old sister Yeou-Cheng Ma to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Dwight D. Eisenhower at "An American Pageant of the Arts," on November 29, 1962. The purpose of the event was to raise funds for the National Cultural Center, begun under Eisenhower's administration and encouraged under Kennedy's. The prodigious duo performed the first movement of the Concertino No. 3 in A Major, by Jean-Baptiste Breval.

Two months after President Kennedy's assassination in November 1963, Congress passed and President Johnson signed into law legislation renaming the National Cultural Center as a "living memorial" to John F. Kennedy.

Watch the full pageant with Bob Newhart, Harry Belafonte, Danny Kaye, Marian Anderson, Robert Frost, Maria Tallchief, and many more:
   • "An American Pageant of the Arts" wit...  

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Leonard Bernstein's introduction of Yo-Yo Ma:
“An aspect of that double stream of art I mentioned earlier flowing into and out of America, has long been the attraction of our country to foreign artists, and scientists and thinkers, who have come not only to visit us, but often to join us as Americans, to become citizens of what to some has historically been the land of opportunity and to others the land of freedom. And in this great tradition, there has come to us, this year, a young man aged 7, bearing the name Yo-Yo Ma. Now Yo-Yo came to our attention through the great master Pablo Casals who had recently heard the boy play the cello. Yo-Yo is, as you may have guessed, Chinese, and has lived up to now in France—a highly international type. But he and his family are now here. His father is teaching school in New York, and his 11-year-old sister, Yeou-Cheng Ma, is pursuing her musical studies, and they are all hoping to become American citizens. We shall now have the pleasure of hearing Yo-Yo Ma, accompanied by his sister Yeou-Cheng Ma, play the first movement of the Concertino No. 3 in A Major, by Jean-Baptiste Breval, who played, taught, and composed for the cello 150 years ago in France. Now, here’s a cultural image for you to ponder as you listen. A 7-year-old Chinese cellist, playing old French music, for his new American compatriots. Welcome Yo-Yo Ma and Yeou-Cheng Ma.”

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#yoyoma #JFK #leonardbernstein

コメント (21)
  • I appreciate that he gave the same amount of respect to Yo-Yo Ma's sister.
  • @juliee593
    Whoa I didn't know Yo Yo Ma had such a LONG career! Mindblowing to see him on TV in what seems like a completely different time.
  • Lovely. Yo-Yo has been a gift for many years. I especially appreciate him raising our spirits during the pandemic!! Thank you Yo-Yo.
  • His sister was outstanding! She was in "charge" and made sure her brother was ready to go with a sisterly look. She played the piano beautifully. Remember these are little kids playing for the president and his wife, other dignitaries and guests. This was an enormous challenge. Well done.
  • still sounds amazing despite him being on a tiny cello AND recording with 1960s audio. What a legend.
  • @ronm3245
    Yes, Eisenhower was there, too. It's nice to be reminded that an outgoing and an incoming president could exist together. Those were simpler times back then, when the only thing to worry about was the immediate, instantaneous, and total destruction of all humanity.
  • Youtube: 7yr old cellist... Me: Yeah yeah another talented young... YouTube: Yo-yo Ma... Me: CLICKS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE
  • can we talk abt his sister as well?? both so young but so hecking (?) talented
  • I met Yo Yo in Toronto while we were shooting a documentary on the TSO. He was such a sweet, and generous guy. Some students were there watching him play with the orchestra for a rehearsal and he asked who played cello after they finished and when a couple kids put their hands up, he asked them to come play his cello. I said to his assistant, isn't that cello worth a boatload of money? She said yah, but he loves seeing the kids light up. He knows the kids will treat it like gold.
  • Imagine having that tone on a 1960s recording setup and a 1/2 size cello.....what a gift, both of them.
  • @venta004
    The great Leonard Bernstein presenting one of the great contemporary cellists of our time. This is such a gem. Thank you for uploading this video.
  • @jmer9126
    One of his qualities he has as an adult maestro which I can see and feel in this video is his relaxed concentration. He is totally focused, yet seems to feel and convey relaxation and joy to the audience. Amazing!
  • This Yo-Yo Ma kid shows great promise here. I predict great things ahead for him in the future.
  • You know, this Yo-Yo Ma kid. He’s got great potential. I hope he continues playing the cello.
  • @reyjusuf
    Yo-Yo Ma's so good, he played for the president at age 7.
  • I might be projecting. But to me, it seems as if he started out a bit nervous, and came across as cute. But then the music took him over and it became increasingly masterful. It went from being extraordinary because of his youth, to being simply enjoyable.