Bethel and Bill Johnson’s Bridge to the New Age and Spiritual Fakery.

I have been wanting to make this video for quite a while. It's based on the teaching in the book The Physics of Heaven, which is very much a "Bethel book". It is sold in their bookstore, it's endorsed by their leaders, it's written by people from Bethel, including their two lead pastors, Bill Johnson and Beni Johnson. The book is a very open appeal to Christians to embrace New Age beliefs and practices. I truly wish I was exaggerating.

In today's video I'm going to share quotes from the book to demonstrate the problems with it's teachings and show it's dangers. I'll address the way they misuse Scripture to support these teachings. I'll also be sharing content from a physicist who has weighed in to demonstrate how fake the "science" of the book is. Finally, I'll share some shocking details about the deceptions in the book related to the supposed credentials of the "quantum physicist" who they lean on as an expert. Spoiler, he's not.

Bethel Church in Redding California has presented itself to the worldwide body of Christ as a guide for deeper and more miraculous spiritual experiences. Since they have such a wide impact and reach and their teachings on these issues are, I am sad to say, not only reckless but dangerous and unbiblical, I feel this video is worth making.

A physicist reviews the wacky science claims in The Physics of Heaven. Special thanks to Dr. Martin Krause for providing this analysis for free.…

Do you want my notes from today's video? Here they are, with all book references.…

My video showing that James Goll (used a a source in the book) pretended to prophesy while just reporting commonly held political speculation.    • The Newspaper Prophet  

My original video on Bill Johnson and Bethel Church's theology and practice. I would be harsher today though I will leave this video up because I believe it has a good analysis of problems.    • Bill Johnson's Theology and Movement ...  

コメント (21)
  • “This is what the Lord of armies says: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you. They are leading you into futility; They tell a vision of their own imagination, Not from the mouth of the Lord.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭23‬:‭16‬ ‭NASB2020‬‬
  • Thank you for this!!!! I was a psychic medium, and I “opened up my gifts” while trying to develop psychic abilities….while praying to Jesus. (Sooo much more to this story as you can imagine) The devil creeped in, in disguise and took over… I developed extremely accurate psychic abilities, I later had a “vision” (it was a very scary astral projection experience) that a false version of “Jesus” told me to help people with my “gifts” and not to be scared. It led me down a dark path that led a couple thousand people astray more. 💔 finally in June 2021 the Lord thankfully saved me and delivered me of my abilities in prayer when I realized the truth and begged him to take my “gifts” away. It was like in acts 18…a dark force left me I could see with my eyes and my abilities were gone forever. My point is…you CAN open yourself to demonic possession by messing with this stuff if you are not born again and do not have discernment!!!!! The new age is a black hole, if you dabble in it you will fall in…the only thing that can get you out is repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus.
  • By the grace of God, I was pulled out of this movement. It completely distorts the Word. It's insane. I am genuinely grieved by my error and gullibility falling for this for even a minute. Mike is right on when he says we are prone to stray. God woke me up and pulled me out. I am so thankful for His mercy!
  • My wife and I left the Bethel movement because of the New Age teaching I was hearing and its implications. When this book came out I read it. It was shocking to me and my wife, especially the authors I knew personally. I immediately took this book and other publications from Bethel and tossed them in the garbage. I also cancelled a Bethel seminar, in which I was a key note speaker.
  • After listening to Bethel teachings for 15 plus years, I am so thankful that at last I am free. Good for you, Pastor Mike
  • As an Australian, I am really appreciating being introduced to the technical term "Woo Woo Science"
  • @LucyQQQQ
    Im from Norway too, and I left my previous church because they started on a course based on Bill Johnson's books.. I used to be in new age so I reacted and said that it wasn't good, but no one listened to me.. so the same people getting me out of new age telling me all the dangers, suddenly was learning how to do the same stuff themselves.. I just tried a new church, and had a good time, untill the pastor said something about Bethel and his books, and how much good that is coming from them.. this has really annoied me, and I thought that I might be over reacting and been thinking about this the last couple of days, and then suddenly this came up ❤
  • @nuwavedave
    In December 2017 my Southern California town was in the path of what at the time was California's worst wildfire ever - the "Thomas Fire". I prayed for God to intercede as a 50-foot wall of flames the length of our town quickly descended toward our home - and with it, our downtown area. My wife and I packed everything we could fit into our car, grabbed our kitten, and sat in the car watching our neighbors also prepare to evacuate. When the wall of flames reached two blocks from us, we drove toward the ocean - and safety. It was midnight. As we later learned, shortly after we evacuated, the winds suddenly changed direction, pushing the fire through the hills and fields - sparing our home and downtown. Could other Christians have commanded the winds and the fire? I don't know. It's possible - but that kind of individual power (or the belief in it) would likely give people the glory, rather than God. In my understanding, God heard our prayers, and supernaturally shifted the winds. In the natural, our home and our entire town was "toast", so I credit God in His sovereignty for keeping losses to a minimum. Some of our Christian friends DID lose their homes and all their belongings - but the devastation could've been so much worse. Do I credit God for the outcome? Absolutely. Do I understand why some homes were destroyed and not others? Not in a million years. That's where trusting in the Lord's ways comes into play. He is God - and we are not.
  • Great video, Mike. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review these works!
  • Mike, thanks so much for this word of warning. I’m a pastor and I will definitely make good use of this informative and well documented teaching with my worship team and my congregation. You’re a blessing bro.
  • @n3wy3ar83
    I began my adult Christian walk in a church heavily influenced by bethel. Strange things began to happen that I knew just weren’t right. I began questioning things and was told by leaders that “we cannot question someone’s experience with the Holy Spirit” when I asked how we knew it was the Holy Spirit they really had no good answer . Something along the lines of “is God not big enough to capture you imagination “ so really nothing was allowed to be questioned because everything was considered to be the Holy Spirit and to question it would be wrong. I left that church and got back into being an alcoholic. Thankfully God restored me again , fully recovered me from 15 years of alcoholism and has brought my heart to a place of desiring his true word and his true works! I feel so grieved for my brothers that are still inside in this church … recently I’ve shown them why their wrong and they told me “Jesus is bigger than a book” I have no words
  • @aldoptr
    Thank you Pastor Mike for the video. I already involved with NAR and Bethel influenced church for 10 years in Indonesia. I was in the prayer department in that church, they taught us some teaching based on this book. In early 2020 during the first wave of pandemic, i started to felt something is wrong with the teaching and i left the department. For the last 3 years i'm studying from many sermons, books and learning how to read the bible with the right context. and that made rethink, reconsider about that church teaching. I know there're some errors about the teaching but i can't sure. Then i found this channel and this video. Your explanations answered my questions, it's like God makes me find the missing pieces through your explanations. God bless you, Pastor Mike!
  • "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" - 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV As someone who was set free from New Age by Jesus Christ, and used to meditating and visualising, this particular scripture has been very helpful for me.
  • This is the most disturbing and hilarious thing I’ve heard in a long time. It reminds me of the 70’s when I was doing acid and looking for spiritual enlightenment. I encountered a spirit I thought was Jesus who was “telling“ me some of the same things this book is teaching. Thank you Pastor Mike for exposing this ridiculous, deceptive and frightening movement.
  • My brother is a pastor of several churches and he was just invited to Bethel in California. He went, (he's gone for a week) so I am going to send this to him and PRAY! ❤🙏
  • As an ex-pagan, ex-new agey type myself (now a Biblical Christian) this New Age adulteration of God's word turned my stomach to hear. But I'm really grateful that you took on the task and exposed it for the error and deception it is. Thank you for calling it out, Mike.
  • Pastor Mike - please know that the hours and hours of time you must have put into this video are deeply appreciated. God has given you a gift of communicating truths of Biblical theology at a kitchen table level. Thank you for being a blessing to so many.
  • @rekleif
    Being from Norway, it so hard to find a Bible believing church. So hard in fact that I am so isolated and has been disconnected and isolated from the true church just because I will not compromise on the the word of God. It's so hard.......
  • No talk of repentance, sin, salvation or grace. That’s where I question it immediately. But wow, what a crazy and dangerous form of witchcraft and spirituality! Thanks for this video Mike Winger God is not the author of confusion!!
  • Late to this video but my mother and I enjoyed it, my father REALLY needs to hear it, anyone willing please pray for him anyone who see's this!