Is laughter the best medicine? My NT ND Marriage

I had planned on making this jovial video full of laughter and funnies stories, however, I hurt myself badly just before filming to point of almost in tears... so I'm in pain and not has happy as I planned. Anyway, maybe you have your own ways to making your life more pleasant?

コメント (2)
  • I would like to hear you do a country accent, that would be hilarious. I do accents as well and call it one thing and hubs will say, that's not even close. It's some country, who cares 😂 my youngest daughter likes to make people laugh, she's good at it. I do it to cheer myself up as well. I say a lot of stupid shit and chuckle at it, I get a laugh out of him typically as well, I think mostly because I laugh so hard. The other day I was jumping up in the air, I'm really short and he asks what I'm doing. I reply I'm trying to see how that secret service lady felt when she was told to guard a 6'4" (193 cm) tall president. Who the hell thought that was a good idea 😂 she runs and hides behind the president, I'm sure she didn't volunteer for that duty. I was never one to follow politics until the last 8 years, I've never laughed harder.