Liquid Nitrogen Into A Swimming Pool

Published 2006-05-04
At Penguicon 4 in 2006, Nifty Guest Howard Tayler of took this video of Penguicon co-founder Rob Landley throwing a bowl of liquid nitrogen in the swimming pool, and the resulting billow of fog.

All Comments (21)
  • @xanderdom
    I swear I was thinking to myself "i wonder if anyone would be dumb enough to jump in? Nah noo way" ...I was wrong. Mass facepalm.
  • @mrh112
    Someone died doing this at a party.
  • @MrAflac9916
    0:18 like that scene from Catching Fire "RUN, THE FOG IS POISON"
  • @HowardTayler
    I'm the guy who shot the video. This was our SECOND experiment with LN2 in the pool. The first batch went in the hot-tub, and we lamented not having filmed it. The cloud of vapor was amazing. If you attend Penguicon, and they're having Liquid Nitrogen Ice-Cream ("instant" ice-cream) on the same floor as the hotel pool, there's a good chance of a repeat performance. It's much more impressive in real-life than on YouTube.
  • One of the cool things I can say about this video as I was actually there as a little kid and is a 33-year-old adult I will say that is one of the coolest memories I’ve ever had as a kid thank you 🙏
  • @douglasmstewart
    This is a terrible idea. If youre close enough you can suffocate easily. The reaction with water causes the oxygen to be displaced so rapidly. And most people dont even know they are suffocating because it wont feel the same as any other lack of oxygen they can, or would, experience in their normal lives
  • @ForemostCrab7
    awh i was hoping it was gonna freeze the entier pool xD
  • @thomassmith7007
    I added liquid soap to my ix 20 hyundai windscreen wash, now it's gunged up. I've syphoned, put hot water, tried reverse blowing, nae good. help.
  • @Its419games
    This was the first video I watched on YouTube, way back in 2007 with my original account.
  • @Gators1496
    0:36 "Who want's to see the pool on fire?" Ignorance at it's finest.
  • @BenRajan
    so is it safe to going into the pool right after the nitrogen was put in and the pool is smoking or do you have to wait for the smoke to clear also did it cause even a little bit of ice to form or maybe the waters really cold now
  • @usa_usa_usa4573
    How many pixels does your potato record at? I mean it's a good recording device that's why I want to know how many it has.
  • @ryfodrea
    by high altitude, what would u estimate the equivalent to be in ft.
  • @davidnika446
    One things looks very risky: What if some of the nitrogen spilled or splashed on the guy when he was tossing the liquid into the pool? Seems like it would be pretty easy to get serious frostbite. He wasn't wearing any gloves or protective gear.