Caller Critiques Recent MR Russia/Ukraine Interview

Published 2023-07-23
Long-time listener Kowalski calls in to discuss a recent interview Sam conducted on Russia and Ukraine.

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All Comments (21)
  • @gordonlife5746
    Kowalski verbalized a lot of my frustrations with the entire Ukraine Russia debate that I couldn’t myself. At the end of the day the climate Armageddon will need everyone on board, certainly the major economic players. Russia being a rogue war threat to all of Eastern Europe, thereby shifting the available resources of those countries from mitigating climate disaster to an immediate military threat, while also having a huge petrochemical economy seems like a worst-case scenario no? A lot of our critical assumptions likely don’t factor in a protracted period of unprovoked Russian military imperialism sapping resources from other productive economic/environmental uses that seems a given if Putin isn’t stopped from his current geopolitical aims
  • @rebelmango2141
    As a Eastern European the caller is spot everytime "NATO expansion" is brought up we're talked about as mere objects to be claimed by the US or Russia with no interests of our own
  • @rexfordmorgan7552
    Cmon Sam, zero chance that Russia would attack a nato country, because they have never attacked a nato country
  • @growupjohnny9374
    Hey I’m an American volunteer in Ukraine. I have been in and out of Ukraine since 2018 I’ve been here since March of last year. The interview with the “foreign experts” was incredibly wrong. This caller is very very spot on.
  • @hamudmirza2257
    Kowalski f’ing gets it. This guy needs to be on air more.
  • @Dankatron69
    The example Sam gave with Ukraine joining NATO couldnt be possible as Russia had annexed Crimea in 2014, disqualifying Ukraine from being able to join NATO... Which was the whole point. Putin wouldn't ever invade a country in NATO as it would be an instant one sided world war. Putin preemptively took Ukrainian land with no major NATO response, which gave Putin false confidence that lead to the war we see today. After this war is over Ukraine will join NATO and I feel many other countries will follow suit, really turned the tables on Putler.
  • It heartens me to know that there are people on the left like Kowalski who understand it’s possible to be critical of US policy without being reactionary.
  • @kadzait72
    Russia would never directly attack NATO. Putin didnt think it would take this long. It was a mis calculation that he couldnt get out of.
  • @aigarsjevers1274
    Idea that Russia would had invaded Ukraine if Ukraine was part of NATO is insane. We know that coz we already have a precident for it. Baltic states have collective population of 6 mil realtvly easily traversible teraine, weak military, high russian populations. Only reason why Russia hasnt invaded is because of the NATO
  • @jammiefortier1480
    he wouldn't have invaded a full NATO country. he is deluded but not suicidal.
  • @ris2g
    The caller is spot on. Too many people have embraced Mearsheimer's point of view just because he is somehow considered "an expert". Eastern Europeans are not puppets.
  • @Dean444ful
    I thought I was losing it when no one pushed back substantially on this the other day. Thank you caller lol
  • @johnruddick686
    You seem to be forgetting that the Ukraine situation began back in 2014 when Russia invaded the Crimean peninsula. So 2 years ago the Ukraine had been at war with Russia in all but name for almost the entire previous decade. So there was no way they could have joined NATO before now.
  • @mcgowee
    This caller is spot on and well spoken. He needs his own pod cast.
  • @Cool_Calm_Cam
    Kowalski From Nebraska is always insightful. Great call from a great caller.
  • @mrsdsparky
    The caller did a great job explaining his points.
  • @MarioJaker
    I really respect TMR for not just taking the criticism, but releasing this call as a video. I thought those guests the other day were very cringe, so this is a nice counterbalance.
  • It's such a cool thing to see people disagree & everyone has good intentions + points. Kowalski's the best.
  • @growupjohnny9374
    We cannot tell Ukraine what territories we think they should give up. It’s their land. It’s their homes. The people in occupied territories are being brutalized. How can you expect Ukraine to give up on the population that is being currently brutalized.
  • @cineastik8220
    Wait, Tim Pool is in the hospital because of Emma???😂😂