i'm in silent hill but is 4 am

Published 2022-08-14

All Comments (21)
  • @starlinkwaves
    :O the video reached a million views! Thanks to everyone for your support! for your comment and for your like! Thanks to everyone who has felt what I wanted to convey! thank you so much! <3
  • This track makes me think of someone who just escaped something traumatic and they can now rest easy knowing they are finally free.
  • Ah, Silent Hill, most peaceful town in US. Pleasant weather, quiet neighborhoods, great availability of medical care... People a bit gloomy, but who isn't nowadays?
  • Some of us never left that place; the world turned into our personal Silent Hill over the years.
  • Silent Hill music and ambience makes me want to travel around the woods, highways and towns of the American north-west in winter. The vibe and aesthetic from SH ambience is just impeccable.
  • I don't know if I'm weird but, hearing this type of dark ambience music during the late night hours brings me so much peace... like, is a type of peace of mind that I can't have on my day on day basis.
  • @Jc-587
    Currently now 4AM. I’ve been struggling a lot with insomnia from stress about school and life (last year of college) but I’m glad I came across this to help. Hope everyone here is having a good morning ❤️
  • @ornix5761
    San andreas forest at night is creepier than 90% of modern horror games
  • I’m actually curious as to where it stems from but, I’m sure like many other people I find so much joy and peace in this kind of scenery and music. I love night time, I love the dark, I love rain and thunderstorms, my absolute favourite thing in the world, is chilling in my games room at night during winter when it’s cold, I’m warm, it’s raining outside, it’s 2am, absolute bliss. I think in the all chaos that goes on in our day to day lives those kind of moments are just pure bliss.
  • @LOL-cringe
    DUUDE, i dont wanna get sappy... But i cant stress how much i love this franchise and its music. thank you for making these ambient mixes with the rain. its beautiful. idk why but blasting that first track with the ambience gave me chills and made me emotional. life is so short i remember playing these games when they were released like it was yesterday. so long ago and i feel like i havent changed
  • @li_B4shar_il
    Silent Hill x GTA SA is a great combination, something about GTA SA forests terrified me as a kid when I used to play on the PS2 back in the days
  • @xAustishx
    Idk what it is about resident evil and silent Hill OSTs but they always give me the feeling you get after starting a new chapter in your life after going through something traumatic. You might have a lot of emotional baggage to carry and mentally exhausted, but you're alive, and you made it, almost like the songs remind you that while you may not feel okay today, tomorrow, or a month from now... but eventually you will make it, and you can look back at the terrible times you had and learn from them. And especially silent hill, since their games usually delve into the minds of characters who are severely depressed and/or suffering from some sort of mental anguish
  • @LuckySauD7
    I used to play this game with my best friend but one day his family decided to change town ( 2009 ) and I couldn’t ever find him after … it’s like he was just a dream or a game level and disappeared 💔💔💔 i miss him
    I work in a school building by myself at night im a night time custodian I put in my headphones everyday and get to enjoy the comfort of complete silence as I enjoy the music and my thoughts sometimes I watch iceberg videos either way its peaceful time that I happen to look forward too! This video helps me think about my life and where I'am and how far I come it helps me recharge my batteries when I feel everything is falling apart and for that I thank you magical person who made this video thank you
  • @gttonero
    I wake up at 4am on weekdays. This is exactly the perfect playlist to listen to when i walk to school at 5am. When it’s foggy and the weather is cloudy, i feel like i got lost in silent hill lol
  • It’s 4am and listening to this inspired me to write... not sure if it’s any good as I’m too tired to proof read anymore, but if anyone wants a scary read to go with the ambience, here you go The worn tires spit rocks from the dirt path underneath them. Tonight is colder than it has been and is seemingly dropping. Further into the sea of trees, he drives. The car shakes and bounces as it climbs over sticks and rocks; headlights beaming against the passing trees. Branches stretch out like arms, scratching along the doors and windows like fingernails. At last, he finds a clearing and parks. Pressing his forehead against the steering wheel, he utters a broken man’s prayer, “Please, forgive me.” He then steps out and opens the trunk. Her wrapped body kicks and spasms in its chained casing like a bound wild animal. Her voice is guttural and deep like a cursing demon. From the trunk, beside her, he grabs a shovel and flashlight, leaving the hood open as he walks over to the center of the clearing and begins to dig. His eyes are vacant. The digging is done in a traumatic haze as he replays everything in his head. His movements are repetitive and drone-like. Her soft words whisper in his mind like a fading memory. That’s when he hears someone call out from the darkness. “What are you doing?” A voice asks from somewhere deep within the forest around him. He spins in a head-rushing whirlwind but catches nothing beyond his circle of light in an overwhelming forest. He doesn’t respond. It doesn’t matter who it is, they might not be talking to me and no one can know I was here. He can feel something shift around the trees toward his car. With a sudden gust of wind, its headlights flash twice before turning off. He takes it as a warning. Now, the night is as black as death until his eyes adjust. Before they do, the voice speaks again from somewhere much closer. “Who are you?” There’s no denying it. The voice is talking to him. “My...dog died. And I was just... putting it to rest.” He responds, fighting back against his raging heartbeat. “Babe...” Her voice speaks, smoothly into his ears like medicine. With rising tears and a shaking body, he turns toward her voice; toward the opened trunk where her wrapped and chained body is sitting up, facing back at him. “Look out,” she says with extreme effort but a fading energy. As she finishes, her body immediately begins to regurgitate blood into her wrapped casing, filling it quickly with a spreading red stain. More and more, she spews a seemingly endless amount before succumbing to a seizing shake and tumbling out of the trunk. It found him almost instantly. A strobing headache; painfully deep like a drilling bullet. He drops the shovel, and falls to his knees. His skin burns, his vision is gone, and with a teeth gritting scream, he digs his hands into the dirt before blacking out. He wakes up to the early sun.
  • @dathotbox
    love listening to these while I go on my random 2am walks, so soothing
  • @Miltypooh2001
    This always gives me the feeling of traveling to the rural areas of Maine and take a stroll on a Cliffside while walking towards an abandoned town covered in fog, and as the ambitious music is playing you just toss out everything and remember all of your wrong doings and how it will reflect and haunt you for the rest of your life