SEASON 1 , EPISODE 5 - FINDING INTELLIGENCE with Dolphin Trainer: Catherine Dunn

Publicado 2024-05-23
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In this episode we talk about similar topics with a dolphin trainer from the Dolphin Research Center such as effects of global warming, climate change, spirituality, science and more. Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comments.

Most interesting and fun aspect of this particular episode, you’ll get a chance to see painting dolphins! We never knew dolphins were capable of making art as well as singing and dancing.

Talking about dolphins, of course, we salute Douglas Adams famous novel “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” one of the books in the series “So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish!” Our recommendation to all who has a sense of humor and imagination.

Credits for this episode goes to: Bessy Adut & Armin Nasseri as producers, hosts, voice overs, editors, directors, special thanks to Catherine Dunn and lovely dolphins, thanks to Allie Proskovec for arranging all our media and Meg Weinberg for her introduction. :)

#searchingforgoodness #bessyadut #arminnasseri #documentaryseries #youtube #podcast #intelligence #dolphin #dancingdolphins #paintingdolphins #douglasadans #solongthanksforallthefish #catherinedunn #allieproskovec #dolphinresearchcenter

#globalwarming #climatechange #spirituality #science #birds #animals #music #arts #enviroment #ai #artificialintelligence #world #planet #earth #featurefilm #spreadgoodness #goodnesswillwin #connection #begoodness

PS: If you would like to be featured in our upcoming episodes, would recommend someone, interested in sponsorships or being a part of our team please contact us at [email protected] our pitch deck website with all social links:

00:00 - Intro
00:41 - Catherine intro & Dolphin Research Center
02:11 - How do you define goodness?
06:26 - Douglas Adams - So Long Thanks for all the Fish - Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
11:39 - Thoughts on environmental issues such as global warming and climate change?
15:40 - How do dolphins interact with birds?
17:07 - Tell us about dolphins making art and dancing.
23:04 - Credits

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