Remember That Astroboy Movie?


コメント (21)
  • @tenjenk
    13:30 the worst thing about this is, Tenma only had a surface level knowledge of who his own son was. So this might have very well been what Toby was always like but Tenma was just never aware, thus depending on interests his son had long since moved on from.
  • I honestly enjoyed this film when I was 8 and when I found out that it was so bad that it caused the studio that made it to shut down a small part of me died.
  • @Max-iq8hi
    That alien at the end of the movie was a reference to one of the enemies in the original Astro Boy series, called the Artificial Sun, so it was supposed to be a robot, and it only had that one eye as a boss in a video game called "Astro Boy Omega Factor" on GameBoy Advance.
  • @Hollyse
    I watched this movie like a million times as a kid I loved it lmao
  • As someone who literally only learned about Astro boy from this movie as a kid, I have fond nostalgia for the movie. Though I haven’t watched it in a while.
  • @p3gasus-M
    DUDE I was OBSESSED with this movie as a kid! Does it make no sence? Yes. Do aliens come out of no where? Yes. Do I absolutely still adore it? Yes.
  • Y'all know that Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio is basically this, right? A child dies from an explosion, then his father creates a replica of him out of grief. The replica son doesn't act like the original son, so the grieving dad becomes frustrated with the replica son. The grieving dad learns to accept the replica son.
  • I think the reason why Astro wasn’t behaving like Toby is because Toby learned to act a specific way to gain his father’s approval. Astro didn’t understand that so he’s acting like a regular kid which was probably closer to Toby’s true self. This is very sad to think about cause it means Tenma never truly knew his son.
  • This hit me with a wave of nostalgia I wasn’t ready for
  • About the pollution thing, it seemed like the 2D intro was made in a style that was meant to feel “retro”, at least for the current age. I always imagined that alone was a decent indicator to say “the planet got polluted so we left, and we’ve been gone for like a century at least.” In general it felt to me like everyone in Metro City didn’t even wait to see if the planet was actually beyond saving. I mean, a few decades are just enough time for some substantial lush greenery to spring up. Give it a hundred years maybe and you could have a large, healthy forest with some wind pollination and maybe a few bees and butterflies. Also, as pointed out by user MysterySteve, it could also be deeply exaggerated to ensure Metro City civilians don’t mingle with the (literal) lower class, as keeping people divided ensures that the corporate overlords stay in power.
  • Honestly, one of the only western film adaptations of an anime that I've ever seen. I really loved this movie as a kid, and it treated the original source material pretty well. Plus the animation was pretty solid for the time
  • I actually really appreciate this movie’s willingness to go pretty damn dark. Some family films stay incredibly safe and don’t delve into more mature themes, but kids are more intuitive and intelligent than people give them credit for, and I think it’s important to introduce them to themes like death and loss in a safe environment. Films and shows are a great way to do so. I remember being really fond of this movie as a kid, and was both sad and moved by Toby’s father creating Astro Boy in an attempt to hold onto the memory of his dead child. It definitely has its issues like Pig pointed out, but it is still a worthwhile watch.
  • I remember going into it as a kid thinking it was gonna be the standard good time funny movie—just to see the main character friggin die in an accident within the first 15 minutes in front of his dad. Up to that point I just assumed he must get robot parts and become some type of a cyborg later on, so I wasn’t thinking the accident was actually going to KILL him—and then have the dad so heartbroken he dedicates himself to making a robot replica of his son and falls into depression when he realizes it will never be the same and he can never have him back—like holy CRAP—traumatized and broke my 10 year old heart at the time.
  • My animation professor was offered director role this movie. He’s an older guy and LOVES Astro boy. He looked at who was working on it and apparently every toxic/ horrible ego person in the industry was working on it. He backed out so fast lol.
  • This movie was so unique, you get a full 10 minutes to learn about Toby and he just dies. I can't think of any other kids movie in witch the protag dies in the first 10 minutes, let alone the whole movie
  • Watched that movie as a kid, and the only thing I remember (apart from being scarred by seeing a child literally get vaporized) was when Astroboy was down on earth and the robo-dog was trying to tell the kids that Astro is actually a robot, but the dog doesn't talk so he like wrote "he is a robot" on the dirt and then one of the kids was like "huh, almost makes me wish I knew how to read"
  • I remember the first Astro Boy episode I watched. The masked villain hated robots because he blamed them for his mother’s death. In the end, Astro Boy found his mother. Turns out she was a robot and because she was “out of date” she was taken from the villain and thrown into a junk yard. The scene where the mother and villain/son reunite and the villain takes off his mask, falls to his knees and rests his head on her lap while sobbing “mother” had me crying. If you ever get a chance to watch Astro Boy the anime, it’s well worth it!
  • Man, as a kid this movie scared me so much when Toby was incinerated, for some reason I remember it being a lot more graphic, but I guess that was just my child mind lol
  • I remember as a kid, the part where Toby died made me so distraught that I didn’t even want to watch it anymore. That kind of thing doesn’t bother me anymore since it’s a movie but the thought of that happening irl is heartbreaking