5 Things Your Cat is Trying to Tell You (And What to Do About It)

Published 2022-03-24
Is your cat trying to tell you they need help? In this video, Dr. Sarah Wooten, DVM, CVJ shares some of the ways cats send us messages and explains how to decode these behaviors.

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Video Navigation:

0:00 Introduction
0:46 1. Sending Messages From the Litter Box
2:25 Telling You About Bladder or Urinary Tract Problems
3:12 Telling You About Constipation or Other Defecation-Related Issues
4:07 Telling You About Pain or Discomfort
5:05 Telling You About Emotional Problems
6:40 How to Resolve Litter Box Issues
8:49 2. Telling You They're Stressed and Crowded
10:50 3. They're Eating Because They're Bored
14:31 4. They Have Dental Disease
17:16 5. They Have Pica Caused by Deficiencies or Other Issues
20:26 Conclusion

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All Comments (21)
  • @kiddwicked2374
    I NEVER liked Cats. I was in a VERY BAD place mentally in life and came home from the gym to find a Furry Little Person @ my door and some DEAD stuff!! Naturally, I "shooed" Her off. The VERY next morning I got back to find Her @ my door with MORE dead stuff. Being IGNORANT I ran Her off again. When I got home on the THIRD day to find this tiny GODDESS 🐈💕🐾 AGAIN waiting for me with GIFTS, I Googled it and was UTTERLY FLOORED with emotions, Honor and Gratitude... She sought ME out!! She PICKED ME!? I let Her in and She's NEVER left. She's 5 & We've been together for 4 years. She saved my life that day & became my SOUL PURPOSE in life... In my DARKEST HOUR, I reached for a hand and found a 🐾 PAW 🐈.
  • @cleslie9250
    I think #1 should be "Is the litter box dirty?" then comes the rest :)
  • @rongermanjr
    renovations, loud visitors and dogs stress ME out!!!
  • @Peggy731
    I have a cat with pica. No matter what I do to occupy him, if there’s loose plastic lying around, he chews on it. He’s probably the smartest cat I’ve ever known. He figures things out quickly and therefore, gets in more trouble than his brothers and sisters.
  • @tiashiraz8430
    Reminder to other cat owners that if your cat is acting like their back/tail is itching that it can also be a sign of blockage of the anal sacs. My cat had this issue for about 18 months and was treated by a clearly clueless vet for an unspecified skin condition. Then I changed vet and they immediately diagnosed it as partially blocked anal sacs. I felt just awful 🥺that he had had this for so long without relief.
  • My 15 year old cat just died recently😭😭😭when he stopped using his litter box i brought him to the vet..he was tested positive in feline corona virus and had a bloated kidney...spent much money ..he was only okay for one day then the next day he crossed the rainbow while i am cuddling him in my chest..so broken hearted😭😭😭😭
  • @abbiejoliec3133
    I have a Persian who reads me really really well. I am her third home but she has been a pet all her life. I also have a Ragdoll who was a breeding queen the first five years of her life, so this is the first time she has been a beloved pet. She doesn’t read me anywhere near as well. I find it interesting. I am fortunate that they will both use a Jumbo Litter Box (scooped daily). We use fragrance free clumping litter.
  • @boostmobile9249
    Detective work to solve!. Simple clay no scented litter is not easy to find. Fleetfarm seems to have 25 pounds bags. Less expense. Very good 😊! Less STRESS.
    Thanks Dr Wooten great info especially number 3 hits close to home oftentimes he just wants to play rather than eat
  • I have one cat that is indoor/outdoor and another that has retired from outdoor life. The one that still goes outside can eat more without gaining weight. But the other is so hooked to indoor life that he is less active, but wants to eat more, and he can get a little fat if you let him. It’s hard to feed them different portions, because they know the difference. scary When I reduce the food for one, he just wolfs his food down and then bogarts his way into his brother’s bowl (I don’t know why he as the older one just gives up his bowl like that…still studying). It is a lot of trial and error. They both seem happier with raw foods…eggs…but it is hard when you are busy….it’s good to get some info when you are not sure sometimes.
  • My Siamese mix is a talker and my Tuxedo rarely does. Each cat is an animal with its own unique character. I have seen comments of owners that constantly compare one cat to another. Again, each cat has their own personality. So don’t compare just enjoy their individuality
  • @cynthiabakke825
    Exceptional video! I love everything about this-the info, the cadence of presentation, the non-judgemental tone, etc. I definitely need to get deeper into your catalog. Thanks for all you do!
  • I am not a trained Vet but I disagree about the litter box thing. My brother's wife was terrible to my cat; She even kicked my cat. My cat HATED that woman, she would hiss and scratch if that woman came near her and my cat is not typically aggressive with people. My cat has never had bathroom issues, always uses the litter box, teaching her as a kitten was not an issue but she would always pee on my brother's wife's shirts if they were placed down somewhere in the house. That woman is thankfully no longer in our lives and my cat does not do that anymore. That being said, maybe you could explain why she has an obsession with drinking from the bathroom water faucets? I could place a bowl of fresh water on her feet on a silver platter like the good human servant she had trained me to be but if I am so much as facing the general direction of the bathroom she tried to herd me over there and screams to have the sink turned on for her. Please tell me the meaning of this?! What is my tiny panther trying to say?!
  • @rhondabomus8079
    Thank you so much for all this wonderful information. It certainly explained why all the whining (meow) Tye does.
  • My cat loves only one kind of litter. Clay, cheap, unscented. Period. I was trying to transition her to a pine litter that’s not as dusty. She did it for awhile then suddenly it was a hard NO and she stopped using her box for over 24 hrs. I was panicking cuz I had a cat die suddenly of kidney disease. So I went down and got her clay litter snd put it over the current litter. Then she was fine. Problem solved. I built my hallway for my cat, I put in shallow shelves along the entire hallway snd even took an older mattress and covered it and made it into a climbing/ napping wall for her. She loves the hallway. I call it her gymnasium. She loves to walk/jump over the varying heights of objects as I walk through the hall. The shelves store her stuff snd some if mine. The floor is where she loves the to run and chase her balls. When she cries, I know it means she needs to play with me so I try to do that with her throughout the day. She only gets fed twice a day and then a small snack at bedtime. No free feeding and for the most part give her her fav dry food as a treat. It’s the only time of the day she gets dry food. Thanks for all the good tips to watch out for. My cat is a great communicator but it’s def her cat language. Not human language. So I’m learning her language. Always appreciate the tips to improve in it
  • @brunovan7288
    Accidentally bought same brand but scented litter. My cats have only ever used unscented. Both cats went on litter box strike. Dumped the scented, bought the unscented, presto changeo, "business" resumed as usual.
  • @saralemoine5983
    Thanks so much for these videos. I am a cat adoption counselor and I mention a lot of what is covered in this video with potential adopters. It’s helpful to have the video to back up our adoption counseling. I’ll be sure to send this along to folks!
  • @localchumb
    Thank you for number 5, Dr. Wooten! When I first got my cat, she had a tendency to bite down and pull out my fuzzy blanket. She end up eating a few threads before I’d catch and stop her. I asked around online and took an educated guess that it was pica related. I resorted to playing with her more to tire her out as well as covering up my blanket with a non fuzzy blanket. She ended up not doing it anymore but I’ll be sure to ask the vet to run the tests you mentioned just to be safe :)