5 Things You Should Never Do At The Vet Clinic

Published 2022-07-15
In this week's video, Dr. Sarah Wooten, DVM, CVJ, shares the top 5 things you shouldn't do when you're at the vet clinic.

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0:00 Introduction
0:37 Being scared or anxious
4:50 Feel ashamed or embarrassed
8:59 Understand that veterinary services are pricey
15:29 Yell at the receptionist

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All Comments (21)
  • @nunyabznz
    Living on a fixed income, I always call the vet 1st and find out all the fees for everything I am concerned about, and ask what fees are for each issue. I find this extremely helpful!
  • @flowrpowrera
    I am in my 60s and have had cats all my life. All have been strays, or unwanted cats from someone we knew. It used to be you would get your cat fixed, wormed, and shots and never go back to the vet unless there was some kind of problem, like a bee sting, dog attack, or hit by a car. It was understood if the treatment would be too costly, euthanasia would be necessary with no shame. Now, like you said, your prices reflect the expensive equipment that most people will never be able to afford the services of. My cat developed allergies and has lost half of her fur. I can't afford allergy testing, my SSDI is less than $1000 a month. I go every 4 to 6 weeks to get a Depo shot when they throw a surprise exam in one visit that more than doubles what I have been paying per visit for over a year. It hasn't been budgeted in and no warning. I also know that if she doesn't somehow "outgrow" her allergies and the shot is no longer feasible I may have to make a hard choice so my baby isn't in constant agony. Antihistamines haven't helped. I refuse to feel guilt for not being able to pay $300-$500 for an annual visit (half my monthly income). I strongly disagree that you have to be able to afford these costs to responsibly own a pet. I make sure they are fixed, so they don't add to the population and get them their shots. I have given the poor cats a better life than they would have on the streets.
  • @9liveslisa
    I feel like my vets want me to spend several thousand dollars a year per cat and if they don't get that, then they communicate with me less. They also want me to take out pet insurance which I think is a racket so they can charge more. I used to always like my vets and I had a good relationship with them. But the old vets who I loved have been replaced with younger vets who expect more money per pet. I have paid for ultrasounds that showed nothing though they tried to tell me that something that I could not see "could" be lymphoma. 5 years later my cat is still alive. Thyroid tests that were negative. Telling me my cat has kidney disease when their labs look normal. Basically I've spent a lot of money when the end result is just that my cat is old at 17 years of age and I already know that. So I take my older 2 cats in once a year for a checkup and senior panel. And other than that, I am going to love my cats until the light goes out of their eyes because it is time for them to cross over. Death is a natural part of any beings life. And to spend thousands of dollars to "maybe" prolong a cat's life I think is ridiculous. I won't be a vet practice's cash cow. I find it offensive.
  • @howellomaha
    Timestamps: 0.35 Being scared or anxious 4.50 Being ashamed or embarrassed 8.57 Understand that vet services are expensive 10.53 Guilt shame your vet 15.29 Yell at receptionist
  • @psynurse
    I was at 4, different vets and multiple visits over past few years... I do agree with this but need video of top things vet clinic should do for customers. I've seen staff snap at owners for touching their cat to calm it,. Not listening to the customer when they try to explain symptoms (seems like they dismiss you as if they are either too busy to listen or know better). I've taken my cat into different clinics in various states (I'm a traveling nurse) explaining my cat has ear issues and has for years but never seemed to get accurate diagnosis and once they didn't even look at his ears! I could go on and on. In addition some clinics only give hand written Bill with barely any information regarding findings just meds and costs. Hospitals at least give computer print out with a summary... I like to keep this information for tx history.
  • @deniselholder
    I agree the veterinarian has to charge enough to cover the business expenses and make a nice living. Most now work for someone else or a corporation. Paying off student loans can take years and opening their own practice with all the equipment is incredibly expensive. I am 64 and have been taking cats and dogs to the vet for decades. I didn’t use to worry about the bill. Just my baby. Medical advancements for both us and our animals have been wonderful. This is both wonderful but also leads to another sad problem. I now have one cat with insurance. I lost my best friend recently. She was a happy dog while I was an older woman. She loved me anyway. I would love to find another best friend to take me for walks. I can no longer afford a pet. My darling cat will be my last companion. I cannot afford vet bills. I have met so many seniors in perfect health really in need of some company but can’t afford the vet bills. I volunteered at a rescue until Covid. I have recently fostered a litter of kittens. I have met so many people who would love a pet but it’s out of financial reach. It’s sad. There are animals in shelters and seniors who would love a companion. What is the answer?
  • @scotiawillow
    I have an arrangement with my bank. They take out $100 per month and deposit it into another account I call my cat account.
  • @Dan-sc7us
    I think most of us understand that Vet services cost money, but costs have skyrocketed (and quality of service diminished) because of corporate ownership! Companies like VCA and Mars, Inc, are snapping up clinic by the hundreds! Some of these CEOs make $ Millions/years! This a lose/lose situation. More and more clinics are corporate owned and couldn't care less about your pet - and it shows!! They care about money, period!! Tell me, why do x-rays cost > $500, when it's all digital (no development, just instant images)! I hope you do not sell out to corporate interests! We need all of you to be "doctors", not "money grubbers"!!!
  • @bettyboop1524
    I have a Vet who comes to my home. IMO it is a god send for the Vets who do this. Everyone is relaxed, my cat knows her and is not so stressed. Last year I had to take her to the ER, I couldn't even go in with her - that was awful. I was called and given updates and what the cost was going to be for x-ray, blood work, etc. so no surprises there. I just hated that I couldn't be there with my cat. I appreciate your profession and especially when my girls were getting on in age. My Vet and I had those end of life "discussions" and it was more like speaking to a friend about my cat. I think that some people make decisions that are for them, not so much for their pet and their quality of life. All because you can doesn't mean you should. Thank you
  • sorry sarah, but funny you mention anxiety, currently i am giving orbax to my feline as prescribed by my vet. about 20 years ago, a different vet gave me baytril to take home to give my cat. seeing i also had a CRF cat, i was familiar with giving sub-Q fluids. what they didn't tell me is that they messed up and gave me baytril 100 (which is for cattle) instead of the regular baytril. after just 2 doses, it permanently detached her retinas and she was permanently blind. when i contacted the animal hospital all they said was "oops" they didn't even bother to refund me the vet bill which at the time was just over $200. i wrote a letter to the state vet board and not a darn thing happened. in texas you can file a lawsuit but animals are considered property and i'd have to go thru small claims court. and even if i won, i would only get $35, which is what the adoption fee was back then, can you believe that? so yeah, if i feel a little anxious and hesitant about giving my cat the same type of drug that blinded my cat years ago, then the vet should be more understanding of my situation, never mind what i should never do at the clinic.
  • My daughter was so awful with fear when she would go to the vet, her dog started biting the vet and staff. They had to muzzle him to do his shots. Her anxiety was so bad that I told her I would take him from then on. When I took him they were going to muzzle him. I said no. Told them that since my daughter wasn't there he would be fine. He was. Not even so much as a flinch.
  • @Anakinuk007
    I have two rescue cats. One is fine, prod and squeeze him all you like. The other one doesn’t like being picked up too much, nor would I deliberately touch his tummy or indeed do anything he dislikes as he will nip you. This makes me anxious when a vet is doing all of the above and I’m holding my breath! I’ve experienced great vets, genuinely concerned, switched on and caring. Others are abrupt and moody, who seem to be in the wrong profession. I think pricing should be clearer from the start, perhaps a range chart so customers know what to expect for different services. Vets should always accept a payment plan. People come in with their pets and they feel vulnerable, they will do everything for that pet. Having big chunks of cash in your account on that day is very often not an option and yet you can’t walk away and leave your pet in pain or suffering. Also on regular items like flea treatment don’t put your prices way higher than others, that just comes across as greedy. In the UK at least, pet insurance is pretty sketchy. It comes with a list of conditions and exemptions, what is and what is not covered as well as large ‘grey areas’ open to interpretation. It isn’t that cheap for cover either, too often your insurer will not pay for the treatment because of some clause or other. Therefore many don’t get it as you end up paying for both the insurance and the treatment as well albeit a small discount if any. I would like a clear and concise pet cover, that’s covers any and all treatment. Sure list excess fees for the expensive things. Do that at a reasonable price, many more people would get pet insurance and the vet fees won’t matter as would be covered.
  • My advice is to call around beforehand and know where to go for what. When I had my 3 dogs, I went to 3 different vets, for different things. One for shots only. One was for emergency only, like when my beagle had a blockage. They had the cheapest over night charges. And the third was for dental only. I called around and found best prices ahead of time and then when I needed something done, I knew where to take them!
  • @Akashan18
    My cat behaves really well at the vet, the problem is that he gets really nervous in the car. He tends to pee in his crate during the trip. Generally, that not a big deal, but the other day he needed a urinalysis and needed to arrive at the vet with a full bladder😅. It was a challenge.
  • @curlycaticorn
    I really like this channel BUT this video made me feel a bit sad and angry. I understand that vets have their expenses and their bills to pay but most vets don´t actually care about your pet but only your money! I remember one time when I had only 20€ too less with me at the vet and I asked, would it be possible that I bring it the day after and that I would leave my ID card or passport as deposit at the clinic and then they answered they can´t do and if I´m not able to pay it now, that they would have to keep my cat and give it to a shelter (And that I probably wouldn´t get my cat back then!), thats not how a vet should act! Also, a friends cat was diagnosed with diabetes at the last stadium and they told to my friend that her cat needs to stay 3-5 days at the clinic in intensive care and that it would cost 20.000€ per day....3-5 days would cost 60.000€ -100.000€....and if she can´t pay this, they would have to put her cat to sleep! My friend didn´t have any other choice to let her cat go, cause of course she wasn´t able to pay such an ammount and she didn´t want to let her cat suffer. To me vets are (mostly) only after your money and thats a fact or how can you explain such high prices? The vet knows that pet owners want to help their pets no matter what and the vet use this to get more money than the treatment actually costed! Thats my point of view and my experiences with vets prove this!
  • @catzska
    I have had vets shame for not allowing everything on the estimate done, when most people don’t do all things on estimates. I am always clam yet have had numerous bad experiences. It’s frustrating when vets judge rescuers and sadly staff judge and will shame you. I have spent an insane amounts of money over the years on my pets. Never ever have I had a vet allow payments.
  • I have autism and agoraphobia. I struggle soooo much with leaving the house, let alone my aide and I lugging my sick pet into the office. Emotional regulation and remaining able to communicate are haaard.
  • If you have no way to pay for it, they won't treat your pet they just tell you so what go away! Talking don't work in western Oklahoma! None of the vets here care! They want money up front. They just tell you, no financing what so ever! Complete payment up front. Get pet insurance and try to get your vet to accept it. That's my suggestion. $20 a month is better than anything. Does the lady making this video take pet insurance? I hope she does. More vet's need to get on board with insurance for your pet's.
  • @dmm29
    Care Credit really helps in emergency Vet visits. I am very grateful for Care Credit.