Endocrine Disruptors - Common Chemicals That Severely Alter Your Hormones - Dr. Shanna Swan

Published 2023-01-03
Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D., is one of the world’s leading environmental and reproductive epidemiologists and a professor of environmental medicine and public health at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. An award-winning scientist, her work examines the impact of environmental exposures, including chemicals such as phthalates and Bisphenol A, on men’s and women’s reproductive health and the neurodevelopment of children.

Please check out Dr. Swan's new book, "Count Down" - How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race
By Shanna Swan, PhD, with Stacey Colino

Here is a link to the new study pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36377604/

In this video we explore how endocrine disruptors, in everyday things we use, are altering our hormones and reproductive systems. We've seen a massive decline in testosterone, fertility and other markers. Could this explain some of the social changes as well?

0:00 - New Findings
3:44 - What's causing this?
11:11 - Anogenital Distance
15:52 - Where does this all lead?
17:46 - Population Decline
25:40 - Addiction to plastic
29:07 - LGBTQ & Endocrine Disruptors
36:08 - What to do if you want kids
39:06 - Future research

One important thing to note - products that don't contain phthalates and Bisphenol are more expensive. Services, like assisted reproduction, can only be accessed by those who can afford it. The ability to have a baby has become something of a class issue as well.

For more info about Dr. Swan visit here website www.shannaswan.com/

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All Comments (21)
  • @coptertim
    My wife and I were looking at bread labels while shopping and on average, each loaf had over 20 ingredients. I thought it was water, flower, yeast and salt. We found the same with soup, cereal, canned goods, nearly everything. All the changes in preservatives, flavor and color enhancers and packaging over my 67 years have no doubt impacted our quality of life. We all need to pay more attention to labels.
  • @sirzorg5728
    this test should be done on an Amish sample, they would be a good control group for lifestyle factors.
  • As a medicinal chemist, I'm glad you're getting this information out, however let me point out that phthalate ester plasticizers and bisphenol A aren't made from byproducts, they originate in the standard petrochemical feedstocks which are manufactured for many different products. Also Atrazine isn't a pesticide, it's an herbicide, but it's definitely toxic. Here in northern California we've had battles against atrazine spraying. I suppose the perfluoroalkanoates and other "forever chemicals" are also cryptoestrogens, and they'll be around for awhile...
  • @ralphclark
    This would explain the recent explosion in the number of young people who aren’t sure what gender they are 😢
  • @ninjal7588
    Imagine the next gen of teens coming back to this video in 20 years and being astonished about how this was already known at this point, but so little has been done to limit peoples exposure to these chemicals...
  • @AdrienMelody
    I adore this woman. She is both ruthlessly honest and cautiously sensitive. That’s a rare combination.
  • @khemaloving4031
    My 16-year-old is watching this now. Her interest in a Biology major has been enriched, clarified and laser-focused. Thank you!
  • at 90 years old, this is/ was the most wonderful and necessary video I have ever watched !
  • @MrAjmay1
    I'm a biologist and have have seen nearly two decades of peer-reviewed articles about the effects of endocrine disruptors on fish and amphibian populations. It's hardly a stretch to think that many of those same effects would apply to mammals - including humans - that depend on the same water supplies. It's almost a null hypothesis, yet it's a 3rd rail to inquire whether these same things are happening to us, and have implications in fertility, sexuality, gender identification, behavioral health, etc.
  • @Ranting4Rent
    I'm Mongolian and my grandpa said about how pollution, phones and all these modern things are giving kids health defects and making them weak. His a soviet era doctorate in veterinarian primarily farm animals still works in the countryside to this day. He observed his dead animals and would check their stomachs and does his own diagnoses. When my aunt got pregnant with her child she stayed in the countryside doing what people did before modern industrialization when the kid was born grandpa decided he would make sure the kid stays in the countryside as much as he can (basically 90% of the time). Grandpa always kept saying how look how much healthier he is compared to other kids. Be being a teenager I wouldn't know too well since I haven't seen that many babies still can't say now since I'm just 23. From this its very clear grandpa knew what he was talking about.
  • Unless I missed it, I did not hear anything about other chemical hormonal disruption such as the beginning of birth control pill use, which started in the late 1950s & early 60s. That time correlates to the beginning of downward sperm counts illustrated on her graph. Also hormones from the pill are excreted into the environment & subsequently are ingested by the general population involuntarily. It seems this would add to the plastic and other stated chemical proliferation in our environment.
  • @thijs2906
    Over here in the Netherlands, our government has been doing studies into PFAS and how much is in humans, especially teens. As it turns out, ALL teens had enough PFAS substances in their blood to say that there are likely going to be health consequences. How much consequences is still hard to tell, but they even said it was basicly unavoidable until regulations are in place. It's nearly impossible to avoid PFAS, even if you try. Toothpaste, Sunscreen, Shampoo, Deoderant, Food wrapping, bottles, the literal air, food itself...
  • @OldManPaxusYT
    GLAD someone other than Joe Rogan is also promoting Dr Shanna Swan's work!!! THIS SHOULD BE CONSTANTLY IN THE NEWS!!! Humanity needs to FIX this problem!!
  • As a 22 year old male studying molecular medicine this is incredibly shocking and interesting. I am happy to discover this knowledge today, so I can prepare for a wonderful future for my yet to be born children. Thank you very much for the video.
  • This is the world’s most pressing looming societal and existential crisis nobody’s talking about to the detail necessary to emphasize its importance. Good job in demonstrating and raising awareness.
  • @Me-ei8yd
    Thank you! My mother was a school teacher. From the 1970-2021. I remember her saying in the early 2000 when she had been teaching a grade 3/4 class age 7-10 (edit added age group for Canadian classes)for many years, that something has changed..."what's in the water!?!?" Would be her exasperated statement. Puberty occuring way earlier, far more learning disabilities and emotional control issues. She said she used to teach children, now they are preteens - same biological age.
  • @JewishBanker911
    I really value and respect her work. I think its underrated just how important this research is.
  • @SnugglyBarracuda
    Really important stuff to share. Thank you all involved for all the hard work!
  • @24DaniS24
    It’s actually very rare to encounter a person that actually cares about harmful chemicals in the food supply and more nowadays in my experience. Once I point out a harmful ingredient on a food package my family metaphorically plugs their ears, lol