What If Austria-Hungary Reunited Today?

What if the Austro-Hungarian Empire reunited today after being dead for nearly 100 years? Let's find out!

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コメント (21)
  • Austria-Hungary: Reunites Habsburg: Goes to visit Sarajevo Rest of Europe: Nervous Sweating
  • imagine being in china, only to wake up somehow in Austria-Hungary
  • Austrians and Hungarians after seeing this: Ferb I know what we are going to do today
  • Austria-Hungary: has 14 divisions Me: that's a lot Austria-Hungary: has china as a division Me: hold up wait a minute something is not right
  • Serbs hungarians and romanians in one country?!?!? 5 years maximum
  • me: grandpa, soccer is on grandpa: who is playing ? me: austria-hungary grandpa: against whom ?
  • In an alternate universe: what if the Austro-Hungarian Empire fell today?
  • I don’t think putting serbs croats and Bosnians all in one country is a good Idea
  • @ruufs2384
    I still really like the shape of Austria-Hungary...
  • The Hungarians wanted to break up with the Habsburgs in 1848, fighting a war of independence against the Austrians. The victory could have been successful, but the Habsburgs called on the Russians for help, who defeated the Hungarians together with the Habsburgs. If this had not happened, Austria and Hungary would have been two separate countries.
  • The empire was actually trending upwards in terms of stability until the war happened. And there was a percentage of the population in the successor countries that looked back on the old empire with nostalgia. If it had been given more time, it may have improved the treatment of it's different ethnicities across the territory, (especially if Franz Ferdinand had lived to become emperor). They already had considerably high standards of living compared to the rest of Europe. Even before the dissolution of the empire, the issues people had were more of sharing rights and privileges rather than the empire existing as a repressive entity. But who knows.
  • Who else was first surprised to see China in the list of countries losing territory?
  • It would work perfectly fine as long as you would not enforce bizzare laws (like banning languages) and dissolve elitism between nations. It would work like a mini-EU with more centralised government. And it really would work, because most people really do not care about nationalism as long as they are not treated like animals.
  • @czechm4te
  • @dc4296
    Before his assassination, Franz Ferdinand came up with a plan to maintain the empire while granting a lot of autonomy to it's provinces and territories, called "the United States of Greater Austria", which only sounds dumb but was actually a pretty neat idea.
  • Some kind of cooperation between ex Austria Hungary members would be pretty interesting. There is quite a large amount of produce being transported through the region towards the north out of witch most of us only experience the roads being ruined all the time by heavy transport vehicles witch they are not designed for. I wonder what power could they hold if they decided to control the flow of goods together.
  • It was quite decentralized even at that time, it had regional capitals, 13 official languages, it would be a great nation today. I am sure.