Ranking Final Fantasy Games

Published 2024-02-17

All Comments (21)
  • @ryant2418
    6, 7, 8, 10, 4, 9, 1, 5, 3, 2 I'm not listing games I'm trapped in the toilet in Kefka's tower and can't figure out the lock combination...
  • @kickitsmooth
    FF12 continues to be the most underrated game in the series. Smh
  • @keanu7318
    You described FF15 as a blueprint for what we get today perfectly. It really set the core and did a real good job of it.
  • @Palidor
    16 wasnt a bad experience but it's absolutely not a better game than 9 and 10.
  • @chisaten
    I can see why other people wouldn't like them, but my favourite FF games are IV, IX, X, and XV. That shows I like having variety of gameplay.
  • @leesanction2068
    Man, FF 12 really is a love it or hate it title. Its honestly in my top 5 for FF games. I feel like it was the only time when square started to devate from turn based stuff that it paid off. Everything after 12 is pretty meh to me. 16 was alot better that 13 and 15 but still average
  • @Griggoh
    As someone who just got the into the series last December with FF XVI since it’s the only one with a battle system that appeals to me personally it think it’s very funny who every Square (Enix) did and where criticized for they do somewhat of the complete opposite in the next entry of the series and are still getting criticized be the fanbase. I played through 7,8,9,10,12 and rebirth this year I crazy how people apparently complained about 10 being too linear only too complain about 12 being too different and open to then criticize 13 (which I’m currently playing) for being too linear again. As someone who looks upon these games without nostalgia I must say that FF 8 was the most boring one to me. I can barely remember any characters name except Squall and the setting was absolutely not my thing. 9 was a bit better since I liked the more classic approach a setting more. 7 was the best of the PS1 era for me but 12 was better gameplay wise and 10 a more convincing story. 16 is definitely number 1 for me but apparently everyone likes the first FF the most so that’s that
  • @dylanwade9825
    My list isn't too different, except I enjoyed 12. Also, Tactics is in my top 5. You either love it or you don't. I love it. But yeah, FF7 is my favorite game of all time, and so far Rebirth is the same.
  • @mangomariel
    Mine is from top: 7R(p1+p2), 7, 9, 10, 16, 8, 10-2, 12, 13 yeah that is all I have played. Previously I would have had 9 at top, but it is like 7R and 7 elevate eachother. Like the more time you spend, the more you know, the more you care, the better it is. I honestly think 7R is the greatest VG feat pulled off in my lifetime.
  • Honestly 12 is my only difference of opinion, but can't argue with the rest. Great list
  • @wiganeldar
    6, 7, 9, 10, 12 all perfect in there own rights. 8, 5, 4 and maybe 13 are just a step behind. 1, 2, 3 are all good and suffer the most from age. 15 and 16 dont exist 😂 my opinion
  • @Jason.Detrick
    🤦🏻‍♂️ top 5 are.... #5. FF8 #4. ff1 #3.FF tactics #2.FF3 #1.FF7. Imo although I got a chance to play 6
  • @Dayv018
    Agree with top 2, and X deservedly in the top few spots. I liked XVI, but I think it's more in the middle. Lack of some rpg elements bring it down some for me, although some of the risks/changes they did worked. Would like to see Tactics included in the list, I think it's worthwhile rank up near top 5 along with IX.
  • @roundninja
    To me the peak of FF is IX, X, and even somewhat XII. I found that VI and VII didn't live up to the hype for me, especially after Midgar. Not just that the later levels weren't as cool, but it also lost a lot of thematic cohesion, and didn't really have a satisfying final act and conclusion the way IX and X did. Like, the end of IX came full circle with Vivi and Zidane's storylines, their search for belonging and struggle with the inevitability of death. X came full circle by tying together Sin, Zanarkand, and Yevon, in a way that cohesively answered all the main questions raised throughout the game, while also inverting the expected self-sacrifice of Yuna in a surprising way, and reconciling Tidus with his father. The last disc of VII just didn't bring it together for me. I don't see what fighting Sephiroth had to do thematically or aesthetically with the core premise of the game. Disc 1 had that cool cyberpunk eco-terrorism vibe, but it seemed to basically just get dropped in favor of running around on a big grassy field, killing big monsters, like we've done in 100 other RPG's. Was there something I missed when it comes to understanding the plot? To me it just seemed too disjointed to put the game in first place, plus graphically it aged the worst of any FF, and the combat system wasn't innovative at all.
  • @Maxim.Nazarenko
    Edward Norton, I never knew you were into Final Fantasy games!
  • What about FF Crystal Chronicles? Everyone seems to forget this game. I remember starting to play it on the Nintendo Game Cube but never finished it.
  • @jonwolf1ify
    “Final fantasy 8 has, arguably, the best sound track.” Plays a song from 6 for it.