Trump, JD Vance, and what's to come in 2024

Katie Couric talks with political commentator Charlie Sykes about Trump's pick of JD Vance for VP, the continuing calls for Joe Biden to step down, the attempted assasination of Donald Trump, and what it all means for 2024.

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コメント (21)
  • The Republicans never had a plan for healthcare. I'm 63 yrs.old & that is my primary reason I'm voting & to preserve democracy.
  • Charlie nails it. Mitch McConnell is complicit in these MAGA attorney/judges being confirmed to the bench.
  • Definitely NOT sick of hearing from you! Thank you for being someone I trust. I love hearing from Charlie, too. So, thanks. 😊
  • Charlie! So glad to see you, man. I really miss you at The Bulwark.
  • Never sick of you, Katie - thanks for the balanced and fair reporting. ♥
  • We're never sick of you! We're appreciative of all the interesting and informative conversations!
  • I need to do more.....I'm going nuts with my stress level! The unscientific polls I have taken tells me I am right. No one seems to read political mail nor political texts. I occasionally donate especially if it's a high percent match. Would a march in the streets be effective? The women's march was so well done and I was so proud of all of us! What can we do? So many people like me too toss mail or delete texts without reading?
  • Trump has honed his marketing skills over FIVE decades. His posing after the shot was pure instinct and reflexes.
  • What kind of person can is on the fence at this point? It doesn’t make sense to me. Vote Blue 💙💙🇺🇸
  • Thanks for this absolutely excellent commentary. I agree with Charlie completely!
  • @Syl-Vee
    Thanks for having this knowledgeable guest. Great discussion. Thank you!
  • Omg I haven’t seen Charlie since he stopped his daily podcast! Love seeing you two talking!
  • I miss my daily dose of Charlie!!! 💜💜💜
  • @ubub932
    im good with Joe. I wish more people were. i like his leadership. i like the administration he's assembled and what they've accomplished. it's been an effective and successful administration and I would like to see it continue into a 2nd term, although i realize thats not going to be my decision to make. i don't care about his speech impediment. it simply hasn't affected his leadership of the nation or his administration. he can lead from a wheelchair or a hospital bed. his heart's in the right place. his mind's in the right place. he's proving, on a daily basis, that someone with his decades of experience can lead effectively into his 80s. there's just nothing wrong, regardless of his debate ability. at the point he actually becomes incapable of leading, he can step down and the VP comes off the bench.
  • You look great, Charlie. So fresh and, can I say, about a decade younger than when you spearheaded The Bulwark.