WarOwl vs Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Published 2018-10-26
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is the worst game to come out since Space Hole 2018, because that was the last game to come out, and it's not actually that bad, just not good.

All Comments (21)
  • @BraxBox
    "First ever turn based first person shooter." 😂
  • @e3.14c4
    I am relieved to be a gullible boob.
  • @Luukebaas
    That Ugandan knuckles throwback really caught me by surprise
  • @swiguv6013
    It will be a cold day in hell when warowl plays cod
  • @versaleyang
    21xx, Skynet searched through the human internet archive and found 4:43, based on its analysis of human behaviour, it decided to completely wipe out the human race. Thanks a lot Warowl!
  • @Austinatan
    Title should've been "I'm quitting CS:GO??!!1!! (Not clickbait)"
  • @pootwich
    "Next week cs_office guide! Uh just kidding please dont expect that video thats like me saying , the next video gonna be call of duty! " confirmed
  • @Filletss
    I am enjoying every single aspect of this game and have over 1200 hours on CSGO. I feel dirty.
  • @Zekr0_
    How to cheat in COD: 1. Play CSGO for 200+ hours 2. You are already better than most players.
  • @oni_thefirst
    Definitely the most ambitious Crossover of all time
  • @iPhonix07
    I played Cs only pretty much for 1.5/2 years, and I was super keen on it, the tension, the strats, the skill curve everything! But then I realised I didn’t have 4/5 hours a day to sit in front of my laptop to play Cs, I had to study for University. And it turned out uni can get pretty stressful sometimes. I tried other games, like R6 but that thing has so much bullshit I got mad most of the time playing it, and now that COD came out I’m happy, there finally is a game where I can mess around and kill noobs without thinking all too much and actually relaxing a bit and not get stressed. Don’t get me wrong I love the competitiveness of Cs or even R6, but I’m not in a position where I can put energy into it enough to the point that I feel good and that I can wreck noobs, cause that is what I want to do in fps’, I’m a conpetitive guy too. I come back to Cs from time to time for a couple of days but can’t get hooked up like I once was. Even though I would kind of like it.
  • @BennyTheChiller
    Pays $60 for a multiplayer game, server have only 30Hz Please... I think they don't sell CoD anymore on Steam because they are scared of the reviews they get
  • @fullmetal2501
    This game is fun for what it is. Nothing competitive, quick games with some friends.
  • @antt5112
    "When I played classic call of duty modes, I just got mad and I yelled!" Hmmm sounds like you might just fit in there
  • @Markoman98
    I always thought COD to be an arcade fps - opposite of a competitive fps. I'm not surprised you enjoyed the most competitive game modes, since your pvp fun comes from competing in pvp, not just participating in chaotic kill-streak battles. I only played the first 2 cod's and didn't get into the franchise too much, but cod bo4 seems like something i'd enjoy chilling in tbh