Netflix’s Cleopatra is so Much Worse Than You Think

Published 2023-05-22
Queen Cleopatra is by far the worst documentary I have ever seen; an all out assault on Egyptian, Roman and Greek history. ‘Cleopatra was black’ is just one of the hundreds of lies and historical distortions this show asserts as truth.

Afro Kween is vile: 00:00
'Cleopatra was black': 05:25
Blood libel against Egypt: 08:34
Hackademics and skintellectuals: 11:11
Basic historical illiteracy: 13:28
Girl boss Cleopatra: 15:30
Anti-male agenda: 17:20
We wuz the julian calendar: 25:31
More anti-white male agenda: 26:44
The distortion of The War of Actium: 27:53
Character assassination of Octavian: 36:00
Evil white colonizers: 40:00
The Romans were istophobes: 42:10
Many lies: 43:08
Failure of Afro Kween: 46:10

10 Major Accomplishments of Augustus Caesar | Learnodo Newtonic (
War of Actium - Wikipedia
Roman Empire under Augustus (Illustration) - World History Encyclopedia

All Comments (21)
  • The show not only insulted the Egyptians and Greeks, they also managed to insult the freaking Italians.
  • @ThatChalk
    They talked about Egyptians like they’re a fantasy race
  • @XxFlamexX14
    The fact that Yugioh and The Prince of Egypt paid homage to the Eygptians with their color and history WAY BETTER than this 💀💀
  • Jada was as faithful to history as she was to her husband...
    As an Egyptian I ask every human with a logical operating mind and respect to human history to help fight the pseudoscience ignorance such as this for the sake of our future! DON’T LET STUPID PEOPLE WIN!
  • @clubardi
    when i learned that Egypt were suing Netflix, it was hugely amusing bc imagine making something so horrendous that an entire country is suing you
  • @Hydroelectirc
    I think ppl forget you can be african without being black
  • When Assasin's Creed is more historically accurate than a documentary.
  • @Alex_Pack
    Im proud of Egypt and Egyptians of rejecting this trash.
  • @julesvillega
    "You can imagine what Cleopatra looked like in your own way." NO! No, you can't! She was a real person, not a fictional character.
  • @TheresaMayPM
    I cried with joy at the bit where Napoleon Bonaparte is cowering in fear at Austerlitz, then Cleopatra burst through the enemy lines in her tank, rousing Bonaparte to believe he could win the day.
  • @Warui88
    You have to admit, it's pretty damn impressive to botch history so badly that an entire country comes at you with a lawsuit.
  • @The13thRonin
    "My grandmother told me... I don't care what they tell you in school... Black Panther was white." Standing ovation.
  • I hate when male characters are downplayed or made out to be outright stupid just to make the female character(s) look like badasses, especially so when the female is ALREADY pretty badass in her own right! It just screams "women can't be cool unless the men are stupid!"
  • Make the lie simple, make the lie big, repeat the lie until it becomes truth. This is the standard formula for Orwellian monsters.
  • @ShoRyuBarbie
    13:38 "All of Gaul?" Well, not entirely... One small village of indomitable Gauls still holds out against the invaders.
  • @quinnastuno9959
    The most tragic part of all of this was that, if you stuck to real history, this documentary would’ve been a masterpiece.
  • @AshCosgrove
    "I don't care what they tell you in school, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was white". - my Grandmother.
  • They nailed her accent perfectly also. Cleopatra definitely had a proper British accent and that’s a fact.